“Keeping young people safe in this environment will require careful attention and good management” The Work-Related Learning Guide, DCSF (2009)
An increased emphasis on work-related learning and a widening of qualifications available has brought new opportunities for students, not only in how they learn, but also where they learn. How can you continue to meet your duty of care for students across multiple learning environments? What are the best ways to ensure their increased exposure to different people and places does not put them at risk?
At the 14-19 Child Protection Conference you will be able to gain practical and legal guidance to help you handle the challenges of protecting your students in 14-19 education.
Click here to see an overview of this event. You can also see details of the day in our conference programme
Comments from last year’s delegates:
“An annual update ‘must’ on child protection”
Sherrill Keller, Senior Welfare and Child Protection Officer, Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education
“Useful event that provided a legal framework and practical strategies”
Avril Rattner, Director of Learner Services, Epping Forest College
“Very useful – I learnt a lot and feel more confident about handling child protection issues”
Kwame Yempew, Welfare Advisor, Joseph Priestley College
“A very comprehensive event which covered the main issues for 14-19 child protection”
Linda Johnson, Director of Teaching and Learning, Bexhill college