SEN BESTSELLER! A-Z of Special Needs is our most popular and easy-to-use resource. It offers you an A-Z dictionary of special needs conditions, as well as a who’s who of specialists. It is an essential text for anyone teaching children or young people with educational special needs, and can be especially helpful when working with pupils with specific special needs conditions
Written by Jacquie Buttriss and Ann Callander
The first edition of The A-Z of Special Needs (2003) quickly sold out. Don’t miss this new updated edition, with the same quality and breadth of information, plus extra features.
The A-Z of Special Needs: for Every Teacher (2nd Edition) is a comprehensive reference resource for anyone working with pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities. It will help busy SENCOs to provide support for pupils, parents, class teachers and teaching assistants across all key stages. Other staff members will find it useful as an off-the-shelf reference for looking up answers to queries.
This book includes:
- A comprehensive glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used by practitioners working with pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities.
- A clear guide to the ‘barriers to learning’ likely to be encountered by mainstream class teachers or tutors. Each condition or syndrome is given a general description, followed by a listing of its main characteristics and an extensive range of practical support strategies to suit pupils of all ages.
- ‘Who’s who?’ − detailed descriptions of the roles of professionals working within multi-agency settings.
- Proformas − these are designed to support the work of the SENCO as well as the class teacher in a variety of ways in order to simplify the challenge of recording individual needs and progress.
- Support groups − an A-Z of the contact details of support groups for all ‘barriers to learning’ listed.
- Special reeds resources − an A-Z of publishers and resources, software publishers and equipment suppliers.
- An A-Z of useful websites.
The A-Z of Special Needs: for Every Teacher (2nd Edition) is useful, easy-to-read and comprehensive guide to SEN that has been brought right up to date, with substantial new additions in each section and some completely new sections. It is fully cross-referenced to be an indispensable guide to learning difficulties and disabilities across all age-groups.
The book can also be used to provide INSET for teachers and teaching assistants. The proformas can be used as an aid to developing personalised learning through recording provision, planning, target-setting and assessment.
This book is by no means the complete answer to everything but we hope it will help you ask questions and search for answers by using the appropriate sources.
Proformas included in A-Z of Special Needs: for Every Teacher (2nd Edition):
- School Improvement Plan
- SEN Development Plan
- Individual Education Plan
- Class learning difficulties grid
- Lesson planning sheets for teaching assistants
- Group observation and recording sheet for teaching assistants
- Individual observation and recording sheet for teaching assistants
- Handy hints for TAs
- Provision map
- Skills target sheet
- Personal profile sheet
All proformas come with a completed example and clear suggestions for their use.
About the authors
Ann Callander is an educational writer who is experienced in working with children, classteachers, teaching assistants and other professionals. She has taught in both the primary and secondary sectors and has worked in the area of SEN for over 20 years. Her roles as SENCO, Teacher in charge of a Speech and Language base and as a Support and Advisory teacher (SEN) on the Somerset County Support team have led her to become involved in developing new and innovative materials for both children and teachers.
Ann has been co-editor of SEN Coordinator’s File and has written a wide range of articles relating to SEN in a number of national journals.
Jacquie Buttriss taught for nearly 30 years across all ages from reception to sixth form, as well as in further and higher education. During this time, one of her roles was as a primary SENCO. She was a primary headteacher for seven years and also had a number of other roles in educational training and support. She is currently an Ofsted Lead Inspector, as well as an accredited School Improvement Partner, a freelance adviser/consultant and the SEN governor and chair of the curriculum committee at her local primary school.
Jacquie has always taken a particular interest in pupils’ special needs and barriers to their learning and has been joint series editor with her co-author, Ann Callander, of SEN Coordinator’s File for three years. She was also series editor of Primary Digest for two years. She and Ann have written several other educational books and a great many educational articles in a variety of national journals.