We are delighted to welcome Adrian Gray, Divisional Manager in Ofsted’s Institutional Inspections and Frameworks Division, to update you on key data issues coming up for secondary schools. Adrian will share Ofsted’s vision for the use of data in secondary schools and give you an exclusive insight into key areas of focus for the new school inspection framework.
Martin Kaliszewski from the DCSF, will also be joining us to share the latest developments in RAISEonline. Martin will develop your understanding and knowledge of the system so that you can use it to make effective interventions in teaching and learning that raise whole-school achievement.
You will also hear from Mike Treadaway, Director of Research at Fischer Family Trust. Mike will show you how to use FFT Live to support your school’s target setting and self-evaluation, providing you with expert guidance on the most-effective ways to use FFT data to drive whole-school improvement.
This conference will help you to:
> Use APP to track progress accurately and make highly effective interventions > Develop colleagues’ skills in using data to inform lesson planning > Present data to students, staff and governors to create a target-setting culture at your school > Further your skills in managing data with SIMS, FFT Live and RAISEonline
Who should attend?
✔ Data Managers ✔ Deputy Headteachers ✔ Local Authorities
✔ School Improvement Partners
Click here to book your place now
PLUS: All delegates will be able to download exclusive speaker presentations to take back to school and use in training.