Using attachment theory, educational therapist Heather Geddes elaborates on James Wetz’s idea that behaviour is a form of communication about social and emotional experience that we need to understand before we decide how we are going to intervene. read more
Sue Roffey describes her way of thinking about how to relate more deeply with students in the classroom
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Staging a murder mystery ‘whodunit’ for gifted and talented children can provide great scope for secondary enrichment, says G&T consultant Bob Cox
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In this article about the morals and PSHE, Graham Haydon argues against newspaper reactionism
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Charles Dietz examines the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and its implications
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Charles Dietz examines the work of Guy Claxton, professor of education at Bristol University and fellow of the British Psychological Society. read more
Howard Gardner will forever be associated with his theory of multiple intelligences. Charles Dietz discovers that the Hobbs professor in cognition and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has a lot more to say on the nature of giftedness. read more
In his continuing series on gifted thinkers, Charles Dietz looks at the work of Robert Sternberg and how he has influenced the teaching of gifted pupils read more
Heather Osborne describes how PSHE and performing arts can be used to promote peace education. read more
Celine West shows how head spanners and glass eyes can be used to unpack prejudice. read more
In his introduction to a new column, Dr Graham Haydon focuses on choice and discusses how the decisions we make influence our everyday life. read more
David Watkins argues that homophobia is something we should talk about and offers practical advice for creating LGBT-inclusive schools.
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James Park reflects on the progress of personal, social and health education in education today
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Unfortunately a large percentage of children have direct experience with divorce. Nikki Parker advises on how to help children young people cope with divorce and similar family disruptions
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In this article, Beverley Bailey outlines opportunites for working in healthcare. read more
In this article, Christopher Williams unpacks recent DfES guidance on student involvement. read more
Neil Hawkes outlines a values-based approach to school improvement
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Ofsted’s last report on PSHE observed that parenting is frequently ignored in secondary schools. Dr Sue Dale Tunnicliffe outlines ways forward for 11-19 year olds. read more
Madeleine White illustrates how to engage teenagers in the world of work read more
Dr Christine Fanthome outlines the multiple benefits that singing in a choir has for PSHE
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A new curriculum-based website to promote awareness of meningitis is outlined by Caroline Hill. read more
Graham Haydon argues that it is time to talk about a difficult topic. read more
Christine Fanthome outlines practical strategies for school and college leavers read more
Cooperative learning strategies aim to promote feedback loops relating to assessment and reflective learning in the classroom at Fallibroome High School. Jane Gormally and Francis Power describe the developments.
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Student Volunteering Week offers all young people opportunities, says Christine Fanthome. read more
Bob Jelley argues that success is essential since, for many youngsters, a teacher may be one of the most significant male role models in their lives. read more
Psychologist Sylvia Clare discusses the importance of physical touch in helping children and young people reconnect to learning.
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Andy Walmsley describes how action research at Biddick School Sports College was used to target students’ learning needs and develop peer coaching among teachers. read more
Graham Haydon explores the role of moral constraint in influencing behaviour
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Andrew Chambers tackles young people’s binge drinking through a new resource. read more
Antidote director James Park and development director Marilyn Tew describe the challenge that schools face if they are to address a decline in student wellbeing between Years 5 and 10
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Headteachers Anne Clarke and Annabelle Guyver analyse the benefits that trips abroad bring to participating pupils and to the staff leading them
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G&T coordinator Jo Smith explains how to get the most out of working with parents. read more
We are constantly trying to drive up standards of teaching and learning with new approaches, preferably those with a strong evidence base. But is ‘What Works?’ the right question? Should we really be asking ‘How do good teachers get better?’ Elaine Hall reflects on the messages from a meta-analysis of teaching and learning interventions
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Anna Tombs reports on research into pupil intervention against bullying
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In a second extract from his book, psychologist Steve Killick describes two approaches to engaging young people in problem-solving conversations. read more
Claire Maxwell and Ian Warwick highlight some ways in which student mental health is being addressed in colleges of further education
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At the end of last year, Sir Ron Dearing’s interim Languages Review was published. Headteacher Jim Donnelly looks at what he had to say and the suggestions for a way forward
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G&T education has been a precursor of personalised learning, says Tim Dracup, head of the DfES’s Gifted and Talented Education Unit.
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Ian Warwick, senior director of development at London Gifted & Talented (LGT), explains his vision of personalised learning and describes LGT’s personalised programmes. read more
Brin Best tries to make sense of the government’s personalised learning agenda, and suggests practical ways of making it work for your more able students. read more
The DfES, QCA and the National Strategies have got plans for changes to teaching and learning. Is this news? We have learned to live with change. read more
Mark Jennett clarifies why schools and colleges need to talk about homosexuality. read more
Ollie McFadden describes improvements at Sutton Grammar School for Boys. read more
Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni writes about how she teaches through the darkest days of winter read more
Learners tend to have a narrow view of the relevance of the curriculum and their enjoyment of it decreases across the key stages. These are two of the key findings of an NfER review of the research on pupils’ experiences of and perspectives on the curriculum published in the UK between 1989 and 2005. read more
Christine Fanthome shows how students can gain essential employment skills. read more
Graham Haydon argues that we must go beyond vague references to values. read more
Science teachers are in the vanguard of gaining professional recognition linked to M-level standards. Derek Bell explains
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Former headteacher Tim Small, a member of of ViTaL Partnerships, introduces some excerpts from his colleague Ruth Deakin Crick’s new book on learning power and the effective lifelong learning inventory (ELLI)
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