David Morley shares his experience of raising his school’s attendance levels through tackling parents who take their children out of school too often
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Why does truancy remain a problem for some schools, and how far can hi-tech solutions help? Special Children looks at how e-registration might help
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Nina Siddle explains how she developed effective systems for improving attendance in her role as school business manager at Withernea Junior School
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Maintained schools in England are now responsible for providing full-time education for excluded pupils from the sixth day of their exclusion read more
What happens when your child AND your partner are both at home sick? Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni discusses the issues raised by her experiences read more
This article explores the legal responsibilities of educational authorities towards a child who misses school due to bullying
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Heather Clapp, until recently a behaviour and attendance adviser in Gloucestershire, presents thoughts and reflections on one authority’s experiences of engaging with the pilot programme for Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS)
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This articles discusses using the National Programme for Specialist Leaders of Behaviour and Attendance (NPSLBA) to transform behaviour and raise attendance
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New initiatives, including travel plans and school transport advisers, are being introduced. Managers ignore these at their peril, writes Ingrid Sutherland. read more
Q: Can a parent be prosecuted for not sending a child to school when there is an education supervision order in force?
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What are the legal implications of truancy?
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Absenteeism is a difficult issue to grasp. Its causes are often complex and inscrutable. read more
Daniela Sommefeldt tells how a national programme for specialist leaders of behaviour and attendance is empowering those who attend it and inspiring them to move forward to bring about whole-school improvements in their own school context. read more
Bob Jelley, former head and now supply teacher, argues that success in improving school attendance lies in the hands of the encouragers, persuaders and mentors. read more