Monday – staff meeting apologising for why the class-lists were late at the beginning of term and why the Year 7 set changes still haven’t taken place (I’m blaming SIMs and sticking to that story).
Also Monday – launch of specialist status by our new Assistant Headteacher and I become a ‘pocket of excellence’ as I talk about LIVE LEARNING and how to engage pupils (I’m on to show that it’s possible even when you’re teaching maths; fascinating to watch 60 adults grappling with algebra jigsaws)
Tuesday – lead senior leadership group meeting on Curriculum 2009-10 and Key Stage 4 intervention. I think this went well although I’ve yet to persuade them that we need an extra English and Science teacher.
In the evening (just got in from it) visit Pizza Express as several of our students are performing in our regular jazz event. I do manage to tie this in with catching up with a friend of mine who’s just taken on a new Head of Maths post (Well done and Good Luck Tom!)
Wednesday – 7.30 leadership group catch up meeting to feedback to the team about progress on our responsibilities, 2 exam analysis meetings with subject leaders, fire-drill
Thursday – Middle Leaders Team meeting – preparing for performance management (luckily this is nothing to do with me in terms of presenting to the meeting). Later on the same evening it’s the Year 10 introduction to Key Stage 4 meeting for Parents where I introduce them to the lovely Georgina from Connexions and talk about the importance of regular revision, keeping up with work, attempt to get email addresses from everybody, issue a course outline for each subject and take questions as required.
Friday – The Friends (PTFA) Quiz Night – you may think that after this week I’m doing well just to be attending but as you’ll remember I’m going to be the quizmaster hostess with the most-est. I’m just burning the CD for the Music Lesson as I type this post.
Saturday (yes, continuing last weekend’s theme) off to St. Mary’s College as I start my MA in Education. Again killing two birds with one stone as I’m then off to meet husband and visit mother-in-law who lives close by.
If I hear even one member of staff moan about their workload or the fact that I’ve got more non-contact time than them….. ! Seriously though, as I said to Tom, I wouldn’t change a thing but I’m looking forward to mother-in-law cooking and a proper lie in on Sunday morning (followed by husband’s legendary baked salmon!)