The NSPCC has conducted a survey into children and young people’s experiences of maltreatment and victimisation. Here, the authors report on its main findings
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New guidance on the management of allegations is out for consultation. Jenni Whitehead looks at the key points and finds some aspects of them worrying
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Two recent reports warn of the growing problem of the sexual exploitation of young people. Jenni Whitehead examines the reports and their implications for practice
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With the internet now a central part of most pupils’ lives – at school and at home, guarding against online dangers and those who seek to exploit young people’s vulnerability is a must. Paul Ainsworth gives a step-by step guide to training for e-safety
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Modern technology has spawned a variety of new media — but with benefits come serious dangers. Kris Lines explains duties to keep staff and pupils safe
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As the government prepares to introduce new guidance on the use of force, Dai Durbridge examines current problems for school staff in interpreting the law
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Registration with the Vetting and Barring Scheme was placed on hold in June. Lawyers Yvonne Spencer and Christine Betts explain schools’ current obligations and consider what changes the new government’s review could bring in
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The majority of teenagers are vulnerable to online molestors and we need to help them understand the specific risks, says Jenni Whitehead
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The sight of child abuse images can shock and staff who report them need support. Jenni Whitehead discusses a new report and the relevance of its findings for schools
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There are currently two live consultations that will impact upon your safeguarding duties, the most important of which is the long-awaited sector-specific guidance for the Vetting and Barring Scheme. Dai Durbridge explains how they will affect your safeguarding responsibilities in the new academic year
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Perhaps more than any other inspection judgement, ‘The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures’ has caused anxiety amongst schools. Here are some suggestions for how you might prepare.
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Record keeping is an essential part of a school’s role in child protection; it is vital that it is done accurately and managed carefully and securely
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The internet is a vital learning resource, but its use comes with a number of legal risks. Following the Byron Review in 2008, the delivery of e-safety in schools has come under greater scrutiny. Rebecca Taylor-Onion looks at schools’ legal duties to ensure the online safety of their pupils and how they can manage the risks effectively
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You never know when disclosure might happen, or to whom. Suzanne O'Connell provides practical guidance to share with all staff and volunteers
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Outstanding e-safety provision requires clear leadership vision and whole-school involvement. David Gordon looks at new recommendations from Ofsted
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In this e-bulletin we look at the sensitive issue of how to work with parents and carers when you have a concern over the wellbeing of their child
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This is the first issue of a new series of e-bulletins on child protection. They are designed to be practical and accessible and to help you in your role of designated person for child protection within school
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Dai Durbridge considers the current position of the Independent Safeguarding Authority and the effect the new powers will have on teachers and schools
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What can schools learn from the Baby P case? Jenni Whitehead examines the report on Haringey children’s services and gives advice on how to prepare for unannounced inspections
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Dai Durbridge discusses ContactPoint, the database recording all detail of children in England, and its impact on education and chid protection
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How will Lord Laming's 2009 report impact upon a schoo's information sharing duties and resulting policy? Dai Durbridge discussesses correct information sharing and its role in good child protection practice
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Cases of student emotional abuse can all too frequently go unnoticed believes Jenni Whitehead. Here she suggests an exercise for staff-room discussion
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Teachers should not face prosecution for sexual relations with pupils above the age of 16 (the age of consent) − this is what Chris Whitehead, the general secretary of the NASUWT said in October 2008. Jenni Whitehead discusses
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This story of a 14-year-old who was being groomed and in danger of sexual exploitation illustrates the importance of multi-agency child protection
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Work placements are a key learning activity for young people, however it is obviously important to ensure that your pupils are safe. Dai Durbridge discusses how, and whose responsibility it is
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This case centres around the use of care orders and alternative custody, with the child's welfare being the court's paramount consideration
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Jenni Whitehead discusses the difficulties faced by named persons, or child protection coordinators, in talking to children's parents about their concerns and the need to follow child protection procedures
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Michael Segal summarises a case of alleged sexual abuse within a family, and the difficulty involved in a related welfare hearing
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There are important issues to consider regarding the children of parents who are in prison. This article gives advice as to what educational support can be put in place and the role that some SENCOs might play in coordinating this
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What can and should schools do when they learn about cases of self-flagellation, as part of religious ceremonies like Ashura in the Shi'a Muslim community?
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20,000 girls may be at risk of female genital mutilation in the UK. The charity Forward urges schools to watch out for the signs
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In terms of the child's welfare, cases related to adoption and birth parents can be complicated legally; especially when the father is unknown. Michael Segal explores a related case
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Schools can have a major role to play to protect children from domestic violence such as 'honour'-based violence and forced marriage. Jenni Whitehead looks at a report by the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee
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The needs of families that move can be overlooked. Philip Jones examines the importance of a thorough background investigation on mobile families, in order to effectively support the children involved
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In cases of sexual offence, it is often a school's duty to educate the perpetrator as well as protect the victim. Yvonne Spencer provides advice on how to balance these competing needs
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When a teacher finds it necessary to use force with a pupil it is essential that they are clear on how to use that force — and how much to use — as well as how to deal with the recording and reporting of the incident afterwards
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Are you fully up-to-date with the latest guidance on preventing arson in your school? Gill O'Donnell provides a comprehensive briefing to make sure that you are
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What can schools actually do about tackling self-harm at primary schools? Sue Morris discusses this in her second article on self-harm and suicidal behaviour in primary school children
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Local authorities owe a certain standard of care to children within their area. This case explores the legal implications and consequences of that responsibility, if it is believed to not have been upheld
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The protection of older young people, particularly from the ages 16 to 18, can be overlooked. One serious case review of the suicide of a 16-year-old girl highlights the issues involved, explains Jenni Whitehead
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The underperformance of, and lack of opportunity for, children in care is a cause for concern in our schools. 'Care Matters', is a government package of measures designed to redress the balance, as Suzanne O'Connell explains
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A resource developed by ECPAT UK raises pupil's awareness of child trafficking and invites them to make an informed decision about joining a campaign
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Are you familiar with the details surrounding this vital piece of legislation? Claire Anderson explains to educators what they need to know regarding the basic legal implications of when they are able to use force with pupils
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What makes young people want to commit suicide, and, crucially, how can we prevent it? Jenni Whitehead looks at research and approaches to helping
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This case discusses the dilemma of weighing a child's wellbeing against the need for that child to give evidence in court, in order to provide a fair trail for the defence
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This resource offers a number of theoretical case studies where child protection could be a concern, intended for staff discussion. It then follows each scenario with suggested points for consideration
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What steps should you take when you believe that a pupil is displaying symptoms that are deliberately induced or fabricated? Jenni Whitehead summarises revised guidance for how schools should deal with this type of abuse, and stresses the importance of inter-agency communication
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Sarah Erwin-Jones discusses the growing problem of cyberbullying towards both pupils and staff, and looks at schools' legal obligations
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