If Jane’s story was true she had to be removed from a situation where she was at risk. But if it wasn’t true, was there a danger of making things even worse? A former teacher describes the tensions generated by the problem. Names and details have been changed to protect anonymity. read more
New technology can be a comfort or a threat. Vicky Lapins outlines legal duties on educators to keep children safe. read more
Child abuse can affect a child’s ability to learn. In the second of two articles, Jenni Whitehead looks at ways of helping such children in the classroom. read more
A new programme from the charity Samaritans links in with current initiatives to create an emotionally healthy culture in schools. read more
We outline the key child safety issues to be born in mind when recruiting staff and explain the financial implications of getting it wrong. read more
Children can be affected by domestic abuse in many ways. Jenni Whitehead gives guidance on how schools can provide help for pupils and their families. read more
ThinkuKnow is an education campaign that highlights the risks of the internet. CEOP’s public support coordinator, Hannah Bickers, invites readers to participate. read more
The British Standards Institution (BSI) is working on a new standard aimed at making school trips abroad safer. read more
In the first of two articles, Jenni Whitehead explores present understanding and research on how abuse experienced in childhood affects the child’s developing brain function and how this in turn affects learning. read more
Pete Saunders, chief executive and founder of NAPAC, describes how the charity helps survivors of abuse come to terms with their traumatic histories. read more