An new report on child deaths and serious injury examines the problems of inter-agency working. Jenni Whitehead looks at some of the implications for schools read more
Legal case notes: Re: A (Residence Order) [2007] EWCA Civ 899, CA read more
Mosac is a London-based charity that supports non-abusing parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused. Julia Webb-Harvey provides a case study to illustrate its work read more
Jenni Whitehead reports on a review of the legislation that limited the use of physical chastisement read more
All statutory services are being measured against the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda. New research on what disabled children and their parents wish to achieve from service provision suggests that ECM does not take proper account of their wishes read more
Ann Lucas and Amanda Palmer of the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) describe the work of the centre and offer guidance on how schools can play a role in prevention and in reporting their concerns read more
Schools, colleges and early years settings are seen as having a major role to play in the plans and policies set forward in this new document read more
Sir Roger Singleton, chair of the Independent Safeguarding Authority, outlines more robust arrangements to protect children and vulnerable young adults read more
Jenni Whitehead sets a 'questions exercise' for the staffroom discussion or staff meeting read more
Re F (A Child) (Indirect Contact through Third Party) [2006] 3 FCR 553, 75CA read more
Michael Segal reports a case of local authority proceedings to obtain care orders for three young siblings read more
Jenni Whitehead offers advice about recognising and coping with stress brought on through child protection work read more
Jenni Whitehead examines the new procedures for allegations against staff, which have been in force since January 2007 read more
Safeguarding Children in Education and Safer Recruitment in Education came into force in January 2007. Jenni Whitehead looks at some of the most common confusions expressed by readers in the year since its publication read more
Jo has been excluded from school for sexual assault. He needs to continue his education in some way, but any school willing to take him will need to do a lot of work read more
Michael Segal explains the legal aspects of 'special guardianship' read more
An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) authorises a local authority to remove a child to accommodation provided by the local authority and keep him there read more
Annie Beaumont says that honesty, respect and trust are the foundations for getting on together read more
Are child protection referrals for 16-year-olds being accepted in your local authority? Jenni Whitehead examines the increasing difficulty experienced by schools in getting social care to accept child protection referrals for the older child read more
In spring 2007 the DfES published new guidance on the management of cases where it is suspected that abuse is linked to the belief that the child has been possessed by evil spirits or witchcraft read more
A section 37 report is a measure of last resort, which the judge was anxious to avoid in the case of F (family proceedings: section 37 investigation) [2006] 1FLR 1122, Sumner J – reported by Michael Segal read more
The government's guidance is helping different agencies to share information but problems persist, as Dai Durbridge reports read more
Headteachers have new powers to screen search pupils for offensive weapons and they can delegate them to staff. Jenni Whitehead looks at recent draft guidance explaining how the new powers will operate read more
In Spring 2007, Jenni Whitehead reported on a Home Office consultation, which was launched to seek views on proposals for making non-photographic visual depictions of child abuse an offence read more
Jenni Whitehead remembers some moments of humour from working in schools read more
Jenni Whitehead investigates a new IT-based system of sharing information between key agencies read more
The half sister of an adopted child applied for leave to apply for a care order, on the basis that once a year was not enough read more
Are child protection practices and procedures are adequate in cases of domestic violence and parental substance misuse? read more
The cases presented here aim to help the reader understand better the nature of and the types of decision-making within the court system. read more
Professional teams can make the agenda for change work, says Dr Nick Johnson OBE. read more
Jenni Whitehead discusses the issue of young people at risk of abuse through prostitution. read more
The child who is sexually abusive needs treatment. A new report gives an overview of current thinking on the issue and makes recommendations for a national strategy. read more
Christian Webb-Jenkins, of Browne Jacobson LLP, discusses the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 read more
A new programme from the charity Samaritans links in with current initiatives to create an emotionally healthy culture in schools. read more
Child abuse can affect a child’s ability to learn. In the second of two articles, Jenni Whitehead looks at ways of helping such children in the classroom. read more
We outline the key child safety issues to be born in mind when recruiting staff and explain the financial implications of getting it wrong. read more
Children can be affected by domestic abuse in many ways. Jenni Whitehead gives guidance on how schools can provide help for pupils and their families. read more
The British Standards Institution (BSI) is working on a new standard aimed at making school trips abroad safer. read more
Pete Saunders, chief executive and founder of NAPAC, describes how the charity helps survivors of abuse come to terms with their traumatic histories. read more
If your school hit the headlines, how would you cope? Education Bradford’s press and communications officer Paul Parker has some tips. read more
A new report, published by ECPAT, exposes serious flaws in legislation protecting vulnerable children from British sex offenders who travel abroad. read more
Jenni Whitehead looks at signs that show a young person may be at risk of abuse. read more
Schools are having to tighten up their record keeping after an Ofsted survey found confusion surrounding procedures for vetting staff. read more
Helen MR Hann suggests strategies to help children transfer into the foundation stage. read more
Roger Smith explains the background to the Common Assessment Framework and how you can make it work in your school. read more
Legal case notes: Re M (children)(interim care order) [2006] 1 FCR 303, CA. read more
A new campaign calls on the government to launch an enquiry into the impact of parental alcohol misuse and develop new services for parents and children read more
A recent survey by the Drinkaware Trust draws attention to the lack of information that 11-16 receive on the dangers of drinking. read more
Most LEAs ask schools to fill in some type of referral form. This prompt sheet will help you bring together all necessary information before picking up the phone. read more
Following the publication of a report by Eleanor Stobart, the Government has announced an increase in action to tackle child abuse linked to accusations of 'possession' and 'witchcraft'. read more