Global citizenship and critical thinking were key elements of this three-year collaborative project. read more
In this assembly for key stages 3, 4, and 5, students are invited to consider national identity and what it means to be British, in the light of the government’s proposal for a “British” bank holiday
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The statistics regarding childhood health and overweight children are alarming, says Roger Smith. Here are some practical suggestions to promote healthy eating habits in children
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Can schools realistically play a part in creating cohesion in their community? Dave Weston considers this question in the context of an increasingly diverse country
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Exploring thinking skills in a learning process that is also a social experience. This activity will encourage pupils to acquire information, ideas and skills and develop values, ways of thinking and the means to express themselves
This week’s assembly discusses how we react to charity appeals − notably those that we see on television read more
This week’s assembly looks at the presidential election in the USA and the idea of checks and balances. It encourages students to think about the checks they need to make on their lives and what living a balanced life means read more
This week’s assembly looks at equality, particularly focusing on the problems faced by female scientists within their chosen career read more
One of these enrichment activities looks at global warming, the other at endangered buildings read more
Well known violinist, Philippe Quint, left a Stradivarius violin in a New York Taxi. He was frantic, until it was returned to him next day by the taxi driver read more