Careful planning and clear outcomes made for a successful citizenship INSET event.
The event related to:
· Curriculum change – following the event action was taken by several departments.
· Student participation – school council took part in projects.
· Whole school change – the event led to school developing a global ethos and promoting fair trade goods.
The event made an impact in the following ways:
· All the various curriculum areas were asked to indicate their contribution to global citizenship. In addition the support departments of the school were present i.e. library and bursar and they considered their contribution to the ideas of global citizenship. Furthermore the school council and governors attended who each discussed their action plans.
· The training event was the launch of the global citizenship project. It raised consciousnesses, engaged members of the school community in dialogue, began a planning process and provided a forum for promoting the school sport/language ideas of pupils fit for the world.
In order to obtain a time to speak to the whole staff, it is essential to book in a fixed session. This was about five months in advance.
Although initially this seemed a long way off, it gave time to plan a well organised session, invite governors and other relevant stakeholders and ensure thorough preparation of resources and handouts were available.
1. Plan date on school meeting cycles
2. Plan event – with CDEC
3. Write to governors and stakeholders inviting them to event- inc. reply slip.
4. Contact school council and ACES ( environmental group ) and invited representatives to meeting
5. Consider variety of individuals involved in different aspects of the school and invite them to make a contribution in the form of a, poem, statement, or logo etc on what Global citizenship means to them.
6. Make contact with various development organisations i.e. DfID, Unicef, Oxfam and gain high quality pack of handouts for all participants inc sign and poster to display. Map produced of different world views.
7. Contact a local fair trade outlet to set up stall at event.
8. Devise a response form for participants to complete as part of action plans.
1. On arrival participants browsed a variety of literature, some free and some to buy
2. The conference opened with a diverse range of staff giving their interpretation of global citizenship – this proved very dramatic and made the topic relevant to all concerned. I.e. head teacher talked about scientific aspects and butterfly, the head of PE how she carried the baton for the commonwealth games, the head of Library read a poem, a languages teacher spoke a few words in German, and the chair of governors read a statement. The scene was set.
3. A ranking activity was used from Developing Citizenship Powerful discussions arose onto order of ideas. School council members challenged some staff perceptions! This activity gave focus to planning.
4. CDEC introduced practical ideas to go forward – the fair trade school scheme as one achievable idea.
5. I introduced further ideas with a grand vision statement, suggesting possibilities and ideas of what a good global citizenship school could look like in a years time!
6. In groups, participants completed a action form detailing their action in school- this was later written up and formed the basis of the Global Development plan.
7. All participants completed 2 post –its. On this they were to write one activity they would definitely do i.e. buy fair trade goods or one new idea they had thought about – one was put on board at they left, the other placed in a jacket pocket or hand bag to remind them to do it!
8. All participants received folder of free literature.
9. All Meetings to have Global citizenship on their next agenda to consider.
Raised staff awareness of the global citizenship agenda. Each participant considered their activities and various ideas were incorporated into the development plan. This was circulated the following September. Ideas added and appropriate action taken.
Development of an inclusive and global agenda.
Tutor notice boards show global map, poster and display sign.
Minutes of meetings show evidence that global citizenship has been considered by a variety of groups.
Action outcomes in the school following development plan.
Global citizenship is part of the SDP.
The school has now achieved fair trade status.
Collective worship themes- such as think local act Global, community and citizenship enabled personal reflection of the school community.
The event showed a listening management team, an inclusive agenda and value for individuals. Pupils of the school council present argued their ideas effectively and challenged staff perceptions.
Relationships with various stakeholders including the worship group and governors were enhanced.
How did the event address the Citizenship curriculum?
KS31f: the work of community- based, national and international voluntary groups.
KS31g: the importance of resolving conflict fairly .KS3 1h the importance of the media in society.
KS3 1i: the world as a global community.
KS3 2b: Justify in writing and orally a personal opinion
KS4 1e: how the economy functions inc. the role of business.
KS4 1f: the opportunities for individuals and voluntary groups to bring about change
KS4 1h: the rights and responsibilities of consumers, employers and employees
KS4 1j: the wider issues and challenges of global interdependence and responsibility
Ks4 2a: pupils to research a topical issue.
KS4 2b: express and justify opinions
KS3 2c and KS4 2b and 2c: contribute to group and exploratory class discussions and take part in debates
KS3 3ac and kS4a: to consider other peoples experiences
KS3 3b and KS4b: negotiate and take part responsibly in both school and community debates
KS3 3c KS4c: reflect on the process of participating
How did the event illustrate a global dimension?
Knowledge and understanding
Social justice and diversity
Globalization and interdependence
Sustainability development
Critical thinking
Ability to ague effectively
Ability to challenge injustice and inequalities
Respect for people and things
Co-operation and conflict resolution
Values and attitudes
Sense of identity and self- esteem
Commitment to social justice and diversity
Value and respect for diversity
Concern for the environment and commitment to sustainable development
Belief that people can make a difference
How did the event contribute to a broader ‘ideal’ of education in the school?
The training event engaged all members of the school community displaying an inclusive agenda.
All staff, pupils and stakeholders present considered their involvement in the life of the school and took responsibility for change!
Individuals gained a sense of ownership and commitment for their individual actions which would contribute to a whole school policy and ethos. The event demonstrated that a sense that individuals can make a difference and that the school is a listening and caring institution.
Lasting benefits
The global citizenship agenda has become an integral focus of school life, evidenced in displays, schemes of work and events. Fair trade products are sold in the canteen and the school council are campaigning for other products to be sold. Student participation and awareness has increased as they have been involved in organising and taking part in school and community based activities. Self esteem and motivation of individuals raised.
Lessons learnt
The training event was a success because there was a lot of careful planning involved and the outcomes were clear. It was a good idea to get different individuals involved as this showed how important the session was.
It may have been good to publish not only an agenda beforehand but a few key questions which could have been shared with colleagues? This evening did launch the project. If having such an event part way through a project then it may be a good idea for each team to bring to event examples of what have been achieved and to make a clear action plan for the future.