The able, gifted and talented continue to make strides at the first school to receive NACE's Challenge Award, as deputy headteacher and G&T coordinator David Futerman explains read more
What are our responsibilities when asked to give medicine to children? Mary Mahoney examines this issue, with a focus on working with younger children
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Archaeologist and teacher John Crossland, describes how you can use an historic site with Foundation Stage children. read more
Help children to understand what risk actually is and the part they can play in minimising risk and doing things safely. Margaret Collins describes how children can learn to be risk assessors at school
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British Gymnastics' play programme helps young children develop physical skills. Jo Prescott and Liz Liebman explain how
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To mark Martin Luther King day, students wrote poems on social responsibility themes
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Groupwork needs a bigger role in classroom practice, according to the findings of the SPRinG (Social Pedagogic Research into Groupwork) project, carried out over five years by researchers at the universities of London, Cambridge and Brighton. read more
A free training seminar on gambling education will take place in London on 10 May 2007. The seminar is being organised by Tacade, a leading charity working in the field of PSHCE. read more