Invite your pupils to become published music critics with the Bachtrack Young Reviewer programme
Last year 12 sixth-form teachers applied to TEAM (The European-Atlantic Movement) to take part in a sponsored study trip to America to deepen and broaden their knowledge of US politics, government and culture. One of them shares his experience
Counselling services need to be made a normal part of school provision, as new research into UK school counselling shows
Gallions Primary School teaches the entire curriculum through the arts, with fantastic results. Co-heads Paul Jackson and Emma McCarthy explain how it’s done
Julie Leoni, emotional literacy coordinator at The Marches School, explores how we help young people to understand the difference between aggressive power and positive power
Roger Smith considers ways in which headteachers can help their staff make the most of their careers
Have you taken ownership of your curriculum yet? David Morley examines how to break free, particularly with themed creative events
The role of family link workers is to encourage parents’ participation and interest in school life. Fiona Taylor shares her school’s experience in the benefits of developing this role
In early years especially, boys should not be forced into a “girl-like” model of learning, explains Steve Mynard
Mosac is a London-based charity that supports non-abusing parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused. Julia Webb-Harvey provides a case study to illustrate its work
Deputy head Betty Port discusses how she looked at restructuring lessons to transform learning across her school
The new guidance on restraining pupils is essential reading. Jenni Whitehead discusses the powers it gives and some of the dilemmas it poses
With increasing pressure to deliver personalised learning, John Blanchard offers strategies for putting it into practice where it counts: the classroom
Working in a multi-agency environment to positively engage targeted young people, Paul Rogers explains why no two days are ever the same
A number of resources are available when funding school grounds improvements, explains Gill O’Donnell
The rulings of two recent legal cases indicate that a pupil’s attitude and application will now be key in assessing educational negligence claims, writes Mark Blois
Yvonne Spencer explains why forced marriage is a human rights abuse and should always invoke child protection procedure within a school
Crispin Andrews looks at how staff at two children’s centres are reaping the benefits of information communication technology
Early years practitioners have used ICT to support young children’s learning in diverse ways, writes Julie Steer
Early Years Update provides a range of ideas to underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards. Here we focus on the importance of inclusion
Staff at the Grammar School for Girls, Wilmington, decided it was time for a change. Six months later there is a real sense of staff and students working together for the future. Chris Love describes how learning to learn was introduced to his school
A project aimed at raising the profile of plenaries at Sandringham School, St Albans, has evolved into a catalyst for change that allows students to make their voices heard in the school. Deputy head Ceddy de la Croix explains
Comment-only marking is vital in helping students to reflect on their own learning, but implementing it can be a challenge. Jason Edwards, vice principal at Priory Community School, Somerset, describes how his school has overcome the initial problems
Professor Maurice Galton, from the University of Cambridge, examines the benefits of group work and its possible contribution to improving the current classroom climate
The intention of raising standards is one that seems to run through all sorts of current ideas about education. But which ‘standards’ are being referred to and in what sense (if any) are they being raised? Pam Woolner examines the issues
John Blanchard looks at the importance of distinguishing underachievers and slow learners and gives examples of techniques and tactics you can use to help pupils reach their potential
Jan White provides a range of practical ideas for creating enabling outdoor environments that support young children’s health, wellbeing, development and learning
Jan White, consultant in outdoor play in the early years, looks at implications of the EYFS for the development of outdoor environments for young children
Early Years Update provides a range of ideas to underpin the information provided in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards. Here we focus on development and learning
Special education consultant Michael Farrell considers provision for pupils with severe learning difficulties (SLD)
Mark Blois provides an update and overview on governing body structure and the complex demands made of governors – and possible changes on the horizon
What are the legal restrictions on how we should teach religious studies in school?
Lesson study is a form of classroom enquiry from the Far East that focuses on improving an aspect of teaching and learning through collaborative long-term study. Pete Dudley describes its background and how it has been adapted for use in England
Miraz Triggs found that random name generation as a way of choosing who would answer questions focused students’ attention and led to a higher level of participation
Kate Wall and Elaine Hall explore some of the commonalities and difficulties with concepts associated with learning to learn
Teachers are being encouraged to use evidence to improve their practice. David Leat looks at three forms of evidence-informed professional enquiry – tinkering, action research and design research
Jo Smith provides some practical tips about how technology can support and enhance the learning you have planned
Key stage 2 lesson plans for exploring the Beijing Olympics to meet learning objectives in geography and citizenship, provided by Caroline Coxon
AfL strategies can be invaluable in providing feedback for pupils and developing insight into G&T learners’ individual needs. Clare Smale provides some practical tips for teachers
Storyteller Taffy Thomas provides games and activities to stimulate children’s and young people’s capacity to tell stories
Some participants in a phone-in programme about the roll-out of SEAL thought that happiness could not or should not be taught, and that it was simply a question of ‘common sense’. Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni explains why she disagrees
Antidote’s development director Marilyn Tew describes how schools can encourage learning by promoting ‘CLASI-ness’ – where children feel capable, listened to, accepted, safe and included
Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, considers the practicalities of helping young children to develop higher-order questioning skills
Angela Youngman turns her attention to religious education, potentially the most difficult and divisive of subjects to teach creatively and sensitively
Guy Claxton invites debate on his eight character strengths and virtues for the learning age
Eamonn Farrar, chief executive and former head of Hurworth Comprehensive School in Darlington describes how he developed unique systems of mentoring to transform a low-performing school into one of today’s top performers
Ann Briggs, professor of educational leadership at Newcastle University, examines the issues surrounding the current policy drive towards creating ‘partnerships’
Teaching abroad is no longer seen as a sideways move that could harm career progression. Steve Caulfield of the Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpar, describes some of the opportunities
Peter Leyland describes how he used TASC to teach his Year 6 class about measuring time
Tina Ryan meets Sonia O’Sullivan – Ireland’s middle distance runner and most crowned sportswoman
Fifteen years ago South Africa was allowed back into world sport. The reborn sporting nation has had remarkable national team success and has hosted major sports events – but is it being matched by integration? Chris Green reports
Having found himself in a governors’ free-for-all on the subject of homework, Roger Smith describes that experience and shares his own thoughts and that of researchers on the subject
Angela Youngman has found some exciting new approaches to the teaching of maths
Video conferencing is becoming an invaluable tool for many schools, says Angela Youngman
We tend to take questioning skills for granted; they certainly seem to develop quite readily in young children. Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, explores the reasons why we might choose to guide our children towards higher-level questioning skills
Fighting this new form of bullying isn’t just a technical problem, says Dr Denise Carter. We need to educate children to anticipate risks and become emotionally resilient
Natassja Cole gives her verdict on the pros and cons of being on the G&T register
In this numeracy lesson plan Paul Ainsworth describes how learning about probability can provide excellent opportunities for speaking and listening and incorporate plenty of challenge for the most able
Mandi Horwood describes how a project to investigate how students saw their learning and how they can have a say in it revealed the vital contribution that they have to make
Who are the parents who evade all forms of contact from schools and why do they choose to exist at the fringes of their child’s education? Jo McShane investigates
John Senior highlights the importance of helping learners to have fun with numbers and develop positive attitudes towards mathematics
Gross motor skills are the movements of the large muscles of the body. These activities will help to develop and improve gross motor skills.
Pragmatics refers to the ability to communicate in social situations. These classroom activities will help all children to develop social communication skills.
These classroom activities can help develop grammar skills, particularly syntax and morphology
How can we get primary-aged children to give us feedback about their classroom experiences? Iwona Glowacz used the prospect of getting published as a way of collecting pupils’ thoughts
Jo Smith provides some practical tips on how to develop questioning skills as a tool for promoting participation and learning
A six-phase programme for teaching phonics aims to help children become fluent readers by the age of seven
Ingrid Sutherland outlines controversial new guidance on the provision of sexual health services in schools
Raising Achievement Update summarises the useful learning that emerged from the secondary pilot of the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning programme
Is it possible to create a more ‘gender balanced’ learning environment? Natalie Griffiths explains how she investigated the effect of gender on learning in the D&T classroom and developed strategies to benefit pupils of both sexes
Helen Boyle, AST and lead teacher for Opening Minds, Campion School, describes the school’s successful development of a competency based curriculum with L2L at its heart
Jackie Beere looks at how schools can help learners to become self motivated and independent
Pam Woolner looks at the variety of ways in which the widely-used term ‘learning environment’ is employed
David Leat considers some of the practical problems that will arise in managing innovation
Katrina Foley describes how young children’s independence and self-management skills can be promoted in an environment which celebrates risk, challenge and empowerment
Early Years Update looks at the importance of environmental wellbeing in supporting the five outcomes of Every Child Matters
Crispin Andrews looks at the increasing emphasis on topic-based learning and offers some ideas to teach science through the topic of birds
Kath Donovan looks at the Renewed Primary Framework for Mathematics
Sara Wernham looks at the Renewed Primary Framework for Literacy and discovers how it will affect teachers
Lorraine Barber, a numeracy adviser from Worcestershire, explains the importance of effective and exciting maths teaching
Trevor Millum outlines a truly novel way to get pupils to enjoy manipulating and using words
Dance specialist and SSCo Kim Spiller offers advice to primary teachers about delivering high-quality dance
Crispin Andrews talks to assistant headteacher Karen Collinswood about the role of school leadership in developing high-quality PE in primary schools
Inspirational people: PE and Sport magazine looks at the legendary Abebe Bikila, the first of the great Ethiopian distance runners, who won back-to-back gold medals in the 1960 and 1964 Olympic Games
Educational psychologist Alan McLean summarises his model for understanding how teachers can motivate their students
A study conducted by Pam Qualter and her colleagues at the University of Lancashire explores the role of emotional intelligence in supporting students as they move to secondary school
Corina Seal describes how research lesson study was established at her school and has become embedded in its research and development activities
Mary James, the Teaching and Learning Research Project (TLRP) deputy director, describes the most important messages that have arisen out of this national multi-faceted exploration of teaching and learning practice
Jo McShane used to think that pedagogy was just a stuffy academic way of saying ‘teaching’, but after attending a conference on the subject she finds that it means a great deal more
Marcelo Staricoff describes an inclusive approach for meeting the needs of G&T pupils in primary classrooms
Jo Smith suggests practical ways of building challenge into every lesson
Canvassing pupils’ views can inform their learning as well as our teaching – as Paul Ainsworth discovered when he asked one of his classes to comment on his marking
Patricia Lee explains how supporting children’s musical creativity can contribute to their sense of self-worth and emotional wellbeing
Aisha Ashante of Langtry Children’s Centre describes the thinking behind the centre’s approach to quality provision for young children
A new report considers why some children who did well at Key Stage 1 do not maintain the same rate of progress at Key Stage 2
Schools across the UK are being invited to participate in an exciting national campaign to help children develop their handwriting skills
The gentoo penguins of Antarctica love to swim in sub-zero temperatures…and they keep warm on land by ‘huddling’
Barry Griffiths summarises key points of an online debate about family relationships
History can help young people to see the ‘big picture’ about enslavement, says E Kay Traille
Jon Handcock outlines the latest British Red Cross initiative for acquiring first aid skills
The idea that it is possible to raise attainment by teaching according to individual learners’ styles is a popular one, but is it grounded in strong research evidence? Elaine Hall reports
Philip Adey, one of the original proponents of CASE (cognitive acceleration through science education), reviews developments in the approach and critically examines its use in schools
Kris Lines surveys this highly litigated area — and suggests a step-by-step approach to safety within the law
The CfBT Education Trust manages the national gifted and talented strategy and is planning an online ‘one-stop-shop’ to provide routes to CPD, case study material, outreach events, resources etc
Listening to what students themselves have to say about their education is an important part of high-quality G&T provision. Year 8 pupil, Beth Hancox outlines her thoughts on the qualities of a good teacher for gifted and talented students
How can teachers ensure that there is appropriate challenge for G&T pupils in every lesson? In the first of a series of lessons plans, Caroline Coxon provides some ideas
Julie Leoni, head of emotional literacy at the Marches School in Shropshire, found her thoughts about attachment and trust challenged by the experience of acting as a support for a girl giving policy testimony about being sexually abused
Teacher and trainer Michelle McGrath argues that the emphasis on students as partners in their learning is a fundamental challenge to the current model of teaching and will require significant shifts in attitudes at all levels in schools
A recent conference considered how schools can put personalisation at the centre of their strategies for raising achievement
Raising Achievement Update looks at a book that describes practical ways of meeting the challenges of implementing circle time in secondary schools and why it can be so valuable
Lois Canessa describes how she actively involved students in setting up a school council
David Leat reflects on the contribution of cognitive acceleration through science education (CASE) and the way in which initiatives such as this can contribute to thinking communities
Some people find it easier to work with steady, gentle background sound rather than absolute silence, writes Mark McKergow
Do you like to use moments of quietness and reflection in your classes? Do you like to tell stories while the pupils listen attentively? If so, consider using music as a soundtrack to boost visualisation and imagination, suggests Mark McKergow
Fred Redwood explains how storytelling offers a range of opportunities for learning
Setting out and packing away heavy equipment can be dangerous. Kris Lines sets out safety precautions that will minimise the risks to pupils and staff
Margaret Edgington highlights the importance of providing children with appropriate levels of risk and challenge to enable them to develop skills for learning and for life
What are the right conditions for teacher learning? Teachers need a working space where they have freedom to think, innovate and learn, say David Leat and Kate Wall
Kate Wall describes the main findings of the Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 3 project evaluation and looks at some of the implications for schools
Lynn Cousins looks at everyday behaviour management and behaviour policy and considers what the future holds in this area
Students in St Margaret’s High School in Liverpool have designed and successfully marketed a computer game. David Dennison and Les Hankin report on a striking demonstration on economic wellbeing as a diver of school activity
Mark McKergow suggests ways of using music to stimulate creativity in your pupils
Steve Paget explains how logovisual thinking (LVT) can stimulate higher-order thinking
How form tutors can raise achievement for all pupils and support the gifted and talented. Aim Higher coordinator Martin Ransley reports.
Good planning will enable you to stretch pupils without exhausting yourself, says Jo Smith
In an extract from his book, Making School Work, headteacher Andy Buck describes how he views the challenge of shaping a climate for learning at Jo Richardson Community School
It will take understanding and patience to shape a situation where all schools focus as much on wellbeing as on attainment argues Colleen McLaughlin, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education in Cambridge
How can we help young people deal better with the losses they experience? Secondary drama teacher and SEAL coordinator Julie Leoni reflects on her own experiences
Lesley Hendy examines how you can look after your voice when teaching outside and also gives some tips on reading aloud
Mike Munro Turner summarises the STOP technique for time management
Mark McKergow describes how music can be used at the end of your lessons, as a soundtrack for your students to review their learning
Barry Mapp introduces the capabilities of Mind Mapping and explains some of the features that make it unique
Gerald Haigh concludes his series on primary assemblies by giving some tips on preparation, along with some advice on how to deliver an unplanned assembly
Gerald Haigh continues his three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at the role of the assembly leader
Gerald Haigh begins a three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at values
Toby Wood and Nick Guest describe how they have encouraged implementation of the SEAL materials in Peterborough primary schools.
In the first episode of her diary, drama teacher Julie Leoni writes about reconciling her emotional literacy programme with the school’s focus on targets and achievement.
Judith Harwood, senior regional adviser for the primary and secondary strategy, describes what one school has been learning from its involvement in the Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS) pilot.
Heather Clapp, until recently a behaviour and attendance adviser in Gloucestershire, presents thoughts and reflections on one authority’s experiences of engaging with the pilot programme for Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS).
The Association of Children’s Hospices (ACH) – the national voice for children’s hospice services – asks schools to celebrate 25 years of children’s hospice care through the Butterfly Swimathon.
Jenni Whitehead remembers some moments of humour from working in schools
Pupil discipline provisions enshrined in the Education and Inspections Act 2006 came into force in April 2007. Solicitor Dai Durbridge interprets what these measures will mean for work in schools
Graham Haydon responds to the prominence of wellbeing in the news
New technologies offer an interactive approach to developing social skills in schools and colleges, as Les Cowan explains
Christine Fanthome outlines practical strategies for students to aid examination success
A detailed look at how the IB has been launched in one school, by Rob Ford, Head of International Education and International Baccalaureate, The Ridings High School, Bristol
An outline of the content of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and what schools need to consider when deciding to apply to deliver the curriculum it offers. By Tristian Stobie
Practitioners need to consider the way that space and resources can be used to encourage children’s investigations. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton explain
How do you respond if a parent starts complaining about your setting or your staff? Steve Mynard advises that you start with prevention
This sensitive area should be part of every setting’s PSE programme, says Margaret Collins
How can you make judgements about the performance of your assistants when they are in the room working alongside a teacher/ practitioner? Kevin Bullock provides one solution
Being more aware of mind and body is the key to managing stress says Steve Mynard
The relationship between teachers and teaching assistants is a changing one. Angela Youngman investigates and offers guidance to ensure effectiveness
Does your school have an effective policy on the administration of medication to children? Special needs consultant Patti Turner looks at some of the problems that can arise and the ways to avoid them
This article examines the role of the learning mentor and how they can be deployed in the school for the benefit of the whole learning community. David Morley reports
The contribution of students as researchers (STARS) to students’ learning and to school development can have numerous benefits. David Lucas and Dr Margaret Wood recount their experience at Deptford Green secondary school
The pressures created by a high-performance culture made it difficult for the children at one primary school to learn and collaborate. Tamara Bibby, a lecturer at the Institute of Education in London, explains
The relationship of teachers in the workplace is an under-researched area. Educational psychologist Kairen Cullen discusses her study
Teaching and learning based around quality talk and taking the whole class forward together is a practical and effective approach. Headteacher Andy Buck explains
What happens when your child AND your partner are both at home sick? Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni discusses the issues raised by her experiences
A learning partner can help you influence your organisation to move in a more emotionally literate direction, as Peter Sharp, director of learning for MouchelParkman, explains
A long-term, focused relationship with parents can pay dividends, says John Welham.
The EPPI website is an excellent resource for informing your decision making, says David Leat.
In this month’s in-depth focus Anne De A’Echevarria talks about the Thinking Through School approach to learning-focused innovation. She describes the model and, using examples, explores successful implementation in schools and how the impact can be seen to be more than school-wide.
Staff soon discovered that it was more than just a ‘learning to learn’ scheme. Liz Solomon describes the challenges and insights gained from trialling Thinking Through School.
‘Personalised learning’ has been appearing with increasing frequency in policy documents and in discussion about teaching and learning for the last few years. But what is truly meant by ‘personalised learning’?
Evidence is emerging in Scotland that links secondary school pupils’ progress and emotional intelligence to the use of philosophical enquiry as a learning approach in primary schools.
Diversity and Citizenship in the Curriculum: Research Review is a recent DfES research briefing that looks at the way in which citizenship and diversity is taught across the curriculum.
The 2020 Vision report calls for personalised learning to be designed to reduce the ‘persistent and unacceptable gaps in average attainment between different groups of pupils’.
In 2003, Blackburn with Darwen’s secondary schools decided to apply to become one of the National College for School Leadership’s (NCSL) Networked Learning Communities (NLCs). John Westwell, Des Callaghan, Joanne Emberton and Jenny England describe the background to that decision and how the Leading into Learning NLC has developed into a major force for professional development and improved attainment in Blackburn with Darwen.
Julia Frankl argues that studying the abolition of slavery challenges discrimination
Daniel Raven-Ellison shows how geographical thinking makes sense of the world
Anjana Khatwa explores the implications of acquiring World Heritage Site status
Mike Rathbone reports on developments to make every child’s music matter
How can teachers raise aspirations for students who have untapped potential? Martin Ransley follows the lives of a group of Year 9 students.
Brin Best argues that we must actively teach creativity if our more able learners are to play their full role as decision-makers in the world of tomorrow.
Staging a ‘whodunit’ can provide great scope for enrichment, says G&T consultant Bob Cox.
Sue Roffey describes her way of thinking about how to relate more deeply with students in the classroom.
Using attachment theory, educational therapist Heather Geddes elaborates on James Wetz’s idea that behaviour is a form of communication about social and emotional experience that we need to understand before we decide how we are going to intervene.
Emotional Literacy Update takes a look at the learning aims that the secondary curriculum review hopes to put at the centre of the KS3 and KS4 curriculum from autumn 2008.
Julie Leoni describes how she tried to do justice to the voices of young people in her presentation to the Antidote conference.
This is what secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni and Bristol Learning Initiative director James Wetz said at a recent Antidote conference about the emotional factors that need addressing if we are to close the achievement gap.
Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton explore ways to use the children’s curiosity about their world to become self-motivated, independent learners.
Patricia Lee explores practical ways for you to introduce children to musical concepts and elements.
Maggie Parker-Heys urges practitioners to appreciate the skills required to form even the simplest letters.
Howard Gardner will forever be associated with his theory of multiple intelligences. Charles Dietz discovers that the Hobbs professor in cognition and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has a lot more to say on the nature of giftedness.
Charles Dietz examines the work of Guy Claxton, professor of education at Bristol University and fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Graham Haydon argues against newspaper reactionism.
In his introduction to a new column, Dr Graham Haydon focuses on choice and discusses how the decisions we make influence our everyday life.
Celine West shows how head spanners and glass eyes can be used to unpack prejudice.
Heather Osborne describes how PSHE and performing arts can be used to promote peace education.
Graham Haydon argues that it is time to talk about a difficult topic.
Dr Christine Fanthome outlines the multiple benefits of singing in a choir.
Madeleine White illustrates how to engage teenagers in the world of work
Malcolm Rigler and David Loshak outline strategies to improve young people’s health.
Ofsted’s last report on PSHE observed that parenting is frequently ignored in secondary schools. Dr Sue Dale Tunnicliffe outlines ways forward for 11-19 year olds.
Neil Hawkes outlines a values-based approach to school improvement.
In this article, Christopher Williams unpacks recent DfES guidance on student involvement.
In this article, Beverley Bailey outlines opportunites for working in healthcare.
Nikki Parker advises on how to help young people survive family disruptions.
James Park reflects on the progress of personal, social and health education.
David Watkins argues that homophobia is something we should talk about and offers practical advice for creating LGBT-inclusive schools.
Christine Fanthome outlines practical strategies for school and college leavers
Andrew Chambers tackles young people’s binge drinking through a new resource.
Graham Haydon explores the role of moral constraint in influencing behaviour.
Andy Walmsley describes how action research at Biddick School Sports College was used to target students’ learning needs and develop peer coaching among teachers.
Psychologist Sylvia Clare discusses the importance of physical touch in helping children and young people reconnect to learning.
Student Volunteering Week offers all young people opportunities, says Christine Fanthome.
Cooperative learning strategies aim to promote feedback loops relating to assessment and reflective learning in the classroom at Fallibroome High School. Jane Gormally and Francis Power describe the developments.
A Case Study: Anita Brown, Deputy Headteacher, Ponteland Community High School, Northumberland.
In a second extract from his book, psychologist Steve Killick describes two approaches to engaging young people in problem-solving conversations.
Anna Tombs reports on research into intervention work against bullying.
We are constantly trying to drive up standards of teaching and learning with new approaches, preferably those with a strong evidence base. But is ‘What Works?’ the right question? Should we really be asking ‘How do good teachers get better?’ Elaine Hall reflects on the messages from a meta-analysis of teaching and learning interventions.
Casterton Business and Enterprise College (CEBC) is one of three truly comprehensive Rutland secondary schools with 800 pupils on role in Years 7-11.
G&T coordinator Jo Smith explains how to get the most out of working with parents.
Scotland’s Standard for Chartered Teacher has gained international recognition for a programme that has led to a transformation in CPD. Rosa Murray, professional officer (CPD) at the General Teaching Council for Scotland, describes its origins and its effect.
Antidote director James Park and development director Marilyn Tew describe the challenge that schools face if they are to address a decline in student wellbeing between Years 5 and 10.
Marilyn Tew takes a look at what the Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training has to tell us about whether current strategies will improve the education on offer to teenagers.
Claire Maxwell and Ian Warwick highlight some ways in which student mental health is being addressed in colleges of further education
Ollie McFadden describes improvements at Sutton Grammar School for Boys.
Mark Jennett clarifies why schools and colleges need to talk about homosexuality.
The DfES, QCA and the National Strategies have got plans for changes to teaching and learning. Is this news? We have learned to live with change.
Brin Best tries to make sense of the government’s personalised learning agenda, and suggests practical ways of making it work for your more able students.
Ian Warwick, senior director of development at London Gifted & Talented (LGT), explains his vision of personalised learning and describes LGT’s personalised programmes.
G&T education has been a precursor of personalised learning, says Tim Dracup, head of the DfES’s Gifted and Talented Education Unit.
Reticence to engage with parents on the part of schools can be deep-seated. Teachers may not be aware of the benefits that parents can bring to the learning experience and the students may not realise that they will benefit too. Julie McGrane looks at how parental engagement can be initiated and how schools can find the forms of engagement that work best.
Hayden Llewellyn describes the development of the Chartered Teacher Programme in Wales.
Science teachers are in the vanguard of gaining professional recognition linked to M-level standards. Derek Bell explains.
For Alison Kitson, embarking on a MA meant taking a solitary path, but things have changed since then. She explains the new attitude to one of the most highly regarded forms of CPD.
In an edited excerpt from his new book, clinical psychologist Steve Killick writes about the importance of listening to young people.
Christine Fanthome shows how students can gain essential employment skills.
ICT can enhance opportunities for inclusive learning. However, getting the right ICT tools in place to support this process can be a daunting prospect. In this article Gerald Haigh, in conversation with SENCOs, shows what is possible and argues that simple innovations tailored to individual needs often work best.
Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni writes about how she teaches through the darkest days of winter
If Jane’s story was true she had to be removed from a situation where she was at risk. But if it wasn’t true, was there a danger of making things even worse? A former teacher describes the tensions generated by the problem. Names and details have been changed to protect anonymity.
Richard Ennals looks at the ongoing work to bring internationalism into schools and colleges.
Jenny Fox Eades writes about the Celebrating Strengths project, which uses the Christmas story to explore emotions around hope and spirituality
Former headteacher Tim Small, a member of of ViTaL Partnerships, introduces some excerpts from his colleague Ruth Deakin Crick’s new book on learning power and the effective lifelong learning inventory (ELLI).
Child abuse can affect a child’s ability to learn. In the second of two articles, Jenni Whitehead looks at ways of helping such children in the classroom.
Currently just 15.7% of all primary school teachers in England are men, yet 83% of parents would like to see more men in primary teaching. Why so few and why so great a desire for more? Former headteacher and education writer Steve Mynard finds out…
Susan Johnson promotes land-based jobs for young people.
Liz Thomas describes a north-south education project for sustainable development.
How can you help G&T pupils develop strategies for thinking about their work before rushing in? Peter Levin offers some solutions.
Marianne Clarkson looks at the life and work of Maria Montessori.
How can you handle children’s surprise at a new classmate’s disfigurement in a way that is positive for everybody? Jane Frances of Changing Faces offers some practical ideas.
The key change to the curriculum at Key Stage 4 has been to increase the breadth of choice. Alan Monks, Deputy Headteacher, describes the impact on Ellis Guilford School and Sports College, Nottingham.
Sarah Blenkinsop and Marian Morris examine young people’s decision-making patterns, the role their school plays, the skills they require and other influences on the choices they make at core points in their school career.
The Welsh Assembly Government has taken a lead on recognising the individual professional needs of teachers. Gary Brace, chief executive, General Teaching Council for Wales, explains.
The vocational nature of teaching has been eroded by successive government initiatives and we need to take action to preserve it, says Alex Alexandrou, chair of the International Professional Development Asscociation.
An exciting new Geography resource was launched at the Geographical Association annual conference 2007.
I know from my own experience that schools aim to interview fairly and don’t take your work in the school into consideration. In this and my previous position I ‘beat’ internal candidates to the post. At the time it felt like a bittersweet victory…
Antidote development director Marilyn Tew describes what she learned from a recent seminar on how music education affects student wellbeing.
Teacher and group facilitator Celia Baly describes the challenge of getting out of the way so that children and young people can talk about how emotions affect their experience.
Joanne Haine, foundation stage coordinator at Baring Primary School in London, describes how innovative use of ICT made assessment exciting for children and practitioners alike.
Patricia Lee explains how we can help children to acquire ‘pitch’.
Peter Wynne-Willson urges settings to bring live theatre to their children.
Lev S. Vygotsky is the subject of Steve Mynard’s article on the psychology of child development.
Carole Farrar continues her series on communication with parents.
Do students have something constructive to say about their own education? Putting pupil consultation at the forefront of her research into tacking underachievement allowed Helen Lee to highlight some new areas of concern for her school.
Jenni Whitehead looks at signs that show a young person may be at risk of abuse.
Programme director Claire Finka writes about how the Sheffield-based Juniper programme helps children find a way to cope with stress.
Dr Tracy Packiam Alloway of the University of Durham has researched the difficulties faced by children who have a low working memory.
Carole Farrar continues her series by looking at ways to make the most of personal contact with your parents.
Patricia Lee continues her exploration of music for young children.
Steve Mynard opens a series of articles on educational thinkers who have influenced our approaches to early education.
Any primary school teachers out there with workshop ideas? I’m organising a few Antarctica mornings for local primaries and I’m trying to work out what to do.
Sarah Treneer and Claire Kendall describe how they developed a technique for encouraging children to reflect on their own and others’ learning through the use of peer feedback.
Lisa Crosswood describes the benefits of a modular Masters degree in Education.
Publishing research is an excellent form of professional development says Stephen Merrill.
This activity is about values, language, futurology, ethics and belonging.
G&T coordinator Peter Leyland explains how one Luton primary school has found that this thinking technique benefits everybody – students, more-able students and even staff.
Jane West looks at some misconceptions about giftedness and how to dispel them.
A free training seminar on gambling education will take place in London on 10 May 2007. The seminar is being organised by Tacade, a leading charity working in the field of PSHCE.