The Training and Development Agency (TDA) is inviting applications for funds to support postgraduate professional development (PPD) programmes. read more
Since the Training and Development Agency (TDA) acquired responsibility for CPD it has been systematically setting about finding out how continuing professional development in schools can operate in order to take forward government policy. read more
Alison Fox looks at the social constructivist underpinnings of CSP and explains how she put the theory into practice in her postgraduate work with teachers in Scotland. read more
CPD Update has often pointed out that the further implementation of changes to 14-19 education will create demand for professional learning. We have also made the point, reflected in the recent legislation, that, in order to respond effectively to these changes, schools, together and separately, will have to work with FE colleges. This means collaborative professional learning across a number of boundaries. read more
The title of this resource bank might mislead leaders of CPD into thinking that there is little in it for them. This would be a mistake. Although it is focused upon teacher education it is also a treasure trove for anybody interested professional learning. read more
Recording your learning experiences can provide fresh insights. Kelly Christey of Westlands School, Sittingbourne, describes the initial problems and subsequent benefits of keeping such a journal and her tutor, Kit Field of Canterbury Christ Church University, explains why his students on the MA in Leadership and Management for Learning are asked to keep them
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Many teachers who have gone through the Critical Skills Programme (CSP) have declared it has changed the way they teach forever. Why does the programme raise such enthusiasm? Colin Weatherley, manager of CSP in Scotland, looks at its development and explains its strengths. read more
Rob Sheffield examines three techniques to help your school staff team explore problem solving
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Cliff Jones analyses the new draft guidelines for performance management. read more
How can all the different initiatives, programmes and requirements be linked up to support the professional learning of your colleagues? Cliff Jones takes a look at some of the components. read more
Going back to teaching after a lengthy period can be quite daunting, especially if there is a new member of your family needing your undivided attention. Here are some tips to make life easier. read more
How can school leaders and managers create an environment in which highly effective work can take place at all levels and all times? Former deputy head John Jackson suggests an approach. read more
Richard Jenkin and Alan Tucker present accounts of the impact of postgraduate professional development (PPD) on learning and teaching gathered from schools across Cornwall. read more
We have all experienced periods at work where things are very stressful and we cannot seem to get anything done, or other people and situations are making work difficult for us. Rushing around all day, not managing to complete anything or deal effectively with issues is a common problem. We sometimes need to take time out just to regain some element of control. read more
A recent review of the impact of networks of at least three schools has found evidence that networks can be ‘an effective vehicle for improving teaching, learning and attainment’. read more
The Teacher Support Network called for a coordinated approach to improving teacher wellbeing as it launched a report stating the importance of linking up the disparate services that tackle teacher stress
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Kit Field, the chair of the CPD Committee of the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) looks at the revised national standards from the point of view of CPD. read more
Last month we reported the establishment of chartered science teacher status, a new professional qualification for science education professionals developed by the Association for Science Education (ASE). read more
The Critical Advisory Support Partnership for CPD (CASP) was formally launched at a meeting attended by representatives of three key stakeholder associations on 10 May
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Jim Christophers and Chris Bryan of the college of St Mark and St John examine the problems of assessing impact and present a model that takes account of the individual and the wider community. read more
Jonathon Fletcher, an assistant head at Isleworth and Syon school, looks at staff attitudes to Teachers’ TV and ways of using this resource for CPD. read more
"During a simple 10 minute walk, it is amazing how ideas can be generated, solutions explored and areas discussed openly, effectively and with a great use of time that invigorates the body and mind". read more
We look at a CPD plan that links professional development to a system of accreditation. read more
Increased involvement with the FE sector in 14-19 education will have an impact on the way schools organise their CPD. CPD Update looks at the latest proposals for CPD in the tertiary sector. read more
Back pain is very common – a survey published in 2000 showed that almost half the adult population suffered from low back pain lasting more that 24 hours at sometime during the year
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Wouldn't it be nice if you had a reputation for organising and running meetings that were engaging, fun, productive, and used the talents of the people in your team? Maybe you do already...
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As you embark on a mentoring programme in your school, have you considered defining a clear approach to mentoring relationships? The following model of the mentoring process may help you to put all the elements for a successful programme together. read more
New qualifications for support staff in schools are now being piloted, bringing with them increasing responsibilities for CPD leaders. read more
Accelerated learning tips. read more
The Association for Science Education (ASE), in collaboration with the Science Council, offers a professional qualification for science education professionals. read more
Cliff Jones looks at some useful tools for professional development on the channel’s website. read more
The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) delivered its revised draft of the professional standards for classroom teachers to the secretary of state for education on 7 April, following extensive consultation. read more
Following the review of the national standards (see opposite), the secretary of state for education and skills has asked the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) to review the initial teacher training (ITT) requirements. read more
On 1 April, the National Remodelling Team (NRT) formally merged with the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA). Former NRT director Dame Pat Collarbone will lead the new development directorate as executive director. The development directorate will continue the NRT’s work. read more
Effective teams are key to raising standards argues Pat Barnes, education consultant and former headteacher. read more
Graham Osborne , former head and now HIP and NCSL consultant, presents an insight into the Headship Induction Programme through a case study of a recent mentee. read more
Headteacher Anne Clarke reports on an international headteacher placement (IHP) to Akron, Ohio, which she facilitated on behalf of the British Council and the National College for School Leadership (NCSL). read more
CPD Update analyses a document giving the direction of policy for the next three years. read more
From inclusion to ethics, CPD Update looks at twelve essential headings for a CPD policy. read more
Peter Kent, headteacher of Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby, and his deputy Annabel Kay, describe how a new model of ‘professional friendship’ has reaped dividends at their school. read more
Although much of the publicity surrounding the Education and Inspections Bill now before parliament has focused upon admissions, trust and foundation status, the powers of local authorities and the position of parents, the bill also brings together a number of initiatives and developments that have slowly been taking place for the last two years that have direct implications for CPD. read more
This successful teacher exchange scheme in the West Midlands provides high-impact, low-cost collaborative CPD, as Maggie Langdale explains. read more
New strategy for people development
The school workforce development board (SWDB) has published a three-year strategy, Developing People to Support Learning: a Skills Strategy for the Wider School Workforce 2006-09. read more
The Teacher Support Network has set up an online advice, information and support service for teachers. This will supplement the existing telephone service, which offers counselling to around 17,000 teachers and lecturers every year. read more
Shaun Allison, assistant headteacher at Littlehampton Community School (LCS), explains a variety of ways to cross-pollinate in-house skills and expertise to meet each teacher’s training needs. read more
Lorne Charles, who teaches at Morpeth School Bethnal Green, was one of the first NQTs to join the GTCE's Teacher Learning Academy (TLA). She describes how her involvement has helped her to develop professionally and the value of the TLA's support at this moment in her career. read more
Ten questions to ask yourself about your CPD policy and your performance as leader of CPD so far this year. read more
The evaluation of the trials of the New Relationship with Schools (NRwS) has now been published. The trial involved 93 schools in eight local authorities. read more
In the October issue of CPD Update we published a version of the bridging assignment designed to convert work done on NPQH into Masters level credit. read more
Answering our list of questions could help you to define your role as CPD coordinator. read more