Authors: Tina Rae & Sara Daly
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children is one of nine titles in the Teach to Inspire series.
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children will help to empower children to manage strong feelings more positively. Many pupils experience difficulty in controlling their strong feelings and in managing conflict in school and home settings. This book contains two programmes (for different age groups) which aim to help children and young people:
- avoid or manage situations of conflict
- understand that they can create change
- realise that it is possible to resolve difficulties and achieve a positive outcome.
In this thoughtful approach to anger management, the authors suggest a teaching and learning model and use ‘story’ as the focus of pupil engagement. During the 10-session programme participants will:
- develop an understanding of anger in a variety of situations
- learn about physiological and behavioural aspects of anger
- rehearse coping strategies
- plan positive responses to provocative situations.
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children contains eight stories to help pupils develop emotional literacy through topics such as:
- fighting with friends
- bullying
- swearing
- humiliation
- exclusion.
The stories also reinforce some of the key themes and concepts introduced via the Primary National Strategy’s SEAL Curriculum. About the authors
Tina Rae is a Senior Educational Psychologist (Behaviour) who has written extensively on topics such as emotional literacy, behaviour management, PSHE and Citizenship. She continues to work directly with both teachers and students to develop new programmes and resources.
Sara Daly works as a Special Educational Needs Coordinator in a London primary school. As a teacher herself, she is keen to provide her fellow professionals with user-friendly resources that really engage students.
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children
is suitable for ages 5-11. ISBN: 978-1-906517-01-4
Details: A4, photocopiable, includes CD Rom