Caroline Roberts reviews the current situation regarding promotion of support staff and looks at how schools and LAs are facing the cuts in training budgets
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Low-level disruption can greatly impede students’ progress. Josephine Smith outlines a CPD session to help teachers in your school improve their behaviour management
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CPD Week explores ways of ensuring that support staff are included in approaches to CPD so that no-one has the notion that they are on the bottom of the professional learning heap.
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CPD Week examines how to make sure that all members of staff, particularly support staff, receive professional learning opportunities
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Create a culture of CPD at your school using an approach based on CPD for all staff. Julia Upton gives advice on whole-school reviews, micro-skills — including tips on how to be an effective teacher — training for support staff and the development of networks
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The Teacher Learning Academy (TLA), led by the GTCE, is achieving great things in the world of continuing professional development (CPD), according to a recent independent report commissioned by nfer. CPD Week talks to the GTCE’s Sara Morgan, Head of Professional Learning, about the report’s findings
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Development changes in your workforce which make flexible use of vital support staff teams will do much to encourage school improvement in general, believes Brian Rossiter, headteacher of Valley School in Worksop
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School business managers can use their influence and expertise to ensure effective CPD and professionalisation of support staff. Nina Siddle describes the role she recently played in reviewing her school's policies
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Teaching assistants need fresh ways of approaching CPD , so that they have the chance to grow and learn in line with other members of your school’s community. CPD Week looks at CPD for TAs
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This CPD Week looks at strategies for getting staff started on professional development portfolios, and explores the various formats they can take
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Professional development portfolios are the focus of this CPD Week – what they are, why it’s a good idea to implement them in your school, and the possible limitations they pose. Elizabeth Holmes also offers ideas for their structure
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In the second CPD Week to concentrate on cascading information to staff, this issue looks in detail at the methods available to coordinators trying to keep staff up-to-date on essential professional development information
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‘Cascading’ information to staff can help to ensure that you are as effective as possible in your role in professional development
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Online learning could enhance and facilitate professional development in your school. CPD Week offers tips to CPD leaders, for making online learning work read more
While professional development for teachers is improving and CPD is being given more priority in schools generally, the support given to the wider workforce may be lacking in comparison. To help address this situation, we provide ten top tips for improving the development on offer to teaching assistants in your school. We also examine the need to support the improvement of grammar skills in school staff, following useful research by the University of Exeter and the DCSF. read more
In this issue we explore ways of utilising PLTs to further the development opportunities in your school. We also take a close look at changes in the world of geography teaching and learning.
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CPD Week looks at opportunities to support school staff holistically, through effective structures for professional development
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CPD Week explores the new professional standards for teachers, linking them directly to professional development agendas in schools, around the key themes of professional and personalised learning read more
Teachers TV is a dynamic resource, tailored specifically to the needs of teachers and other school staff, but how can it work for you and your school? read more
In many schools, it is the SENCO who has the main responsibility for managing Teaching Assistants (TAs). SENCO Week provides tips on selecting your TAs effectively
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In our last SENCO Week bulletin, we began a three-part review of recruiting and managing teaching assistants − a key part of the SENCO role. This week, we look at some of the different ways of deploying TAs read more
This final section of SENCO Week's three-part review of recruiting and managing teaching assistants looks at the teacher/SENCO/TA relationship and offers ideas for joint training sessions read more
CPD Week looks at ways to promote the generation of ideas for staff development read more
Behaviour Matters explores the importance of being a positive role model in teaching read more
SENCO Week explains the pros and cons of using Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
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This week we look at a recent report which showed that more and more teaching professionals are aspiring to headship. Also, you have heard of the terrible twos, but never underestimate the troublesome tweenagers! CPD Week considers the difficulties of transition. read more
There's no doubt that when it comes to personal and professional development it is essential to nurture reflection and reflexivity, but what exactly do they mean? read more
Practical strategies to help you support pupils with cognition and learning difficulties read more
This week we venture into the realms of CPD policy review and offer practical tips on how to achieve this effectively read more
Following the publication of a recent Ofsted report focusing on the reform and development of the workforce, we explore how schools might usefully take this further to maximise potential for staff development read more
Whether you manage a large team of support assistants, or are responsible for just one or two TAs, keeping on top of ‘quality assurance’ is an important aspect of the SENCO role read more
Some of the new titles for support staff have increased or caused confusion and mystery for teachers, parents and pupils read more
Lunchtime should be an enjoyable social occasion – a time when all those skills learnt in the classroom can be put to practical use and extend the learning environment into the playground read more
Ideas for making a new start and injecting some fresh enthusiasm into your work and that of your colleagues read more
Muriel Thomson tells how she has transformed the way teaching assistants and other support staff are used at Brixham College, Devon, bringing wide-reaching benefits across the school
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Are schools rising to the challenge of CPD for the whole workforce; including teaching assistants? Elizabeth Holmes investigates what schools need to do to ensure that everyone receives professional development
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To allow full use of teaching assistants, curriculum managers need to ensure both TAs and teachers have the support they need. This involves quality line management and a clear understanding of how to plan for effective learning, Lynn Maidment explains
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Josephine Smith and Paul Ainsworth describe how school financial managers can contribute to school improvement by becoming involved in class observation and work scrutiny read more
Linda Evans looks at how SENCOs can deliver training sessions to help TAs explore different ways of supporting pupils and teachers in and out of the classroom
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Cliff Jones reviews a report revealing the positive impact of postgraduate professional development read more
The relationship between teachers and teaching assistants is a changing one. Angela Youngman investigates and offers guidance to ensure effectiveness
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Ruth Bradbury explains why it is vital to create development plans for support staff in schools, and outlines a range of practical measures to make the process more manageable in your own school. read more
How can school leaders and managers create an environment in which highly effective work can take place at all levels and all times? Former deputy head John Jackson suggests an approach. read more
What makes Behaviour and Education Support Teams (BESTs) effective? read more