With the internet now a central part of most pupils’ lives – at school and at home, guarding against online dangers and those who seek to exploit young people’s vulnerability is a must. Paul Ainsworth gives a step-by step guide to training for e-safety
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In contrast with CPD that is imposed on teachers with little regard to their practical needs, Alison Barnes outlines a collaborative approach that enables G&T coordinators to formulate, implement and evaluate creative solutions to their colleagues’ training requirements
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In his first major speech as education secretary, Michael Gove spoke of his plans to make changes to training for teachers and school leaders. This week we explore exactly what those changes may entail and the shape of school leadership and professional learning to come
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Relatively little is known about the coalition’s precise plans for education at this stage. What we do know, however, are the grand narrative themes: for example, the intention to give schools greater freedom over teaching. Such regime shifts demand our close attention, so this CPD Update imagines what the impact of this may be on professional learning in schools
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Whatever happens to education policy over the coming months, there’s a feature of schools which will always need to prevail: creativity. The message needs to be clear – without creativity, education is lifeless. This issue we look at ways of ensuring that creativity remains a priority for professional learning in your school
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The excitement of the election campaign may be over, but the future path for education hasn’t yet been revealed. So at this stage of uncertainty, what message do we want to give politicians on professional learning in our schools?
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A new report from Ofsted appears to confirm what many teachers will already be well aware of: professional development which is owned by teachers is important for performance at work. But what else do we need to be aware of?
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What can we learn from this personalised learning which might usefully be applied to professional learning in schools? This issue we identify precisely what can be transferred from personalised learning to enhance CPD in your school
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Offers info on the legal requirements for CPD for SENCOs and advice on using CPD to improve SEN provision practised by other members of staff
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With the roll-out of national training for new SENCOs under way, SENCO Week updates you on its learning outcomes
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This issue is about encouraging staff to review what they have learned during the Autumn term, in order to help embed this learning in their practice
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Sustainable CPD was the theme of last week’s fifth annual CPD Update national one-day conference in London. This issueI take a whistle-stop tour of the themes and topics that were the burning issues of the day
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Elizabeth Holmes explores ideas for putting community cohesion at the heart of all the professional learning that your school undertakes
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Elizabeth Holmes speaks to Catherine Fitt, the National College’s strategic director for children’s services, to find out what their remit changes will mean for CPD in schools
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Take the opportunity of the new term to examine your role as CPD coordinator, including what your key professional development focus should be and how to enrich the role as a whole
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CPD Week speaks to the GTCE about the new code of conduct and practice for teachers
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Teachers' wellbeing and self-worth are of paramount importance if they are to nurture similar confidence in their pupils. Elizabeth Holmes discusses what steps can be taken to support this important area of CPD
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What should the next step for your CPD policy be? Now that the central role of CPD is recognised in schools, Philippa Cordingley looks at how professional learning can progress even more in the future
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Create a culture of CPD at your school using an approach based on CPD for all staff. Julia Upton gives advice on whole-school reviews, micro-skills — including tips on how to be an effective teacher — training for support staff and the development of networks
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Mark Blois explores plans for a new code of conduct for the General Teaching Council for England GTCE
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The evaluation of CPD and its impact is one of the most difficult tasks for CPD leaders. Sue Kelly demonstrates some far more interesting ways of evaluating CPD than simply handing out a questionnaire
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Action research with G&T pupils didn't produce the results Peter Leyland expected, but he found it had great CPD benefits
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School can greatly benefit in terms of CPD from links between a network of schools; in this case one in Lambeth and another in Kosovo, which have brought CPD benefits to teachers in both areas. Elizabeth Gowing explains
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The continuing professional development training implications of the gifted and talented (G&T) agenda are highlighted here by Sophie Craven and Brin Best, explaining all that CPD has to offer in the area of G&T
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CPD Week looks at how professional learning might support staff goals and aspirations for moving onwards and upwards in their career
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Elizabeth Holmes looks further into the links between professional development and behaviour, focusing specifically on children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
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Clarity of leadership themes is an ambition we should strive for in our schools – in this case, with reference to CPD. Here Jane Golightly looks at two themes to start the discussion - the big picture within the school and outward-looking CPD for multi-agency working
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Sir Alan Steer's interim report on behaviour is the springboard for this week's focus: the links between professional development, teaching and learning, and behaviour
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The difference between pupil outcomes in English schools is one of the highest in the industrial world, and reducing it is a persistent problem in education. But sharing good practice within schools can be a better solution than turning to outside experts, say Dr Peter Kent and Ray Tarleton
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School business managers can use their influence and expertise to ensure effective CPD and professionalisation of support staff. Nina Siddle describes the role she recently played in reviewing her school's policies
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How can strong teachers become even better? Headteacher Peter Kent and deputy head Annabel Kay describe the staff support triad system they put in place to help staff learn from and support each other
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What CPD needs will a teacher have throughout the six distinct stages of their career? This article offers research summaries on the subject
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What is the most effective form of CPD? What effect will workforce remodelling and the new Master's have? Nansi Ellis of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers gives her views
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Does your school encourage innovation within teaching through its CPD? According to the GTCE, most teachers are displaying innovative practice, even though they don't realise it. This article showcases some best practice
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Have you ever thought of approaching your school's CPD with an arts focus? Beverley Kirk describes the reflective and creative benefits of teachers coming at their continuing professional development from a different perspective
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Ground-breaking changes to teaching and learning in the 14+ sector have seen the introduction of Functional Skills. But what does this mean for CPD in our schools and colleges? This ebulletin considers what you need to know as you begin to implement Functional Skills in your school.
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This issue is entirely devoted to three schools, each with very different needs and approaches, who discuss their plans for hitting their CPD targets in 2009
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All schools should be working on an international dimension by 2012, and working towards the DCSF International School Award. Fiona Taylor discusses the merits of the Teachers' International Professional Development programme
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The Investors in People Standard had a major impact on Alison Shakespeare's school's CPD, helping them to embed a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation. Read why she thinks it's such a good idea for school improvement
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Motivating individual staff to share their professional and personal development is a key factor in school improvement. This CPD Week offers ways in which individual staff can be helped to nurture their intrinsic motivation and offers a useful checklist for future reference
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Linking performance management to professional development (CPD) can immediately improve specific areas of learning across the school, Carol Taylor advises CPD leaders
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A network of CPD leaders visited schools in the US to explore good practice in leadership of professional development. Barbara Dutton, coordinator of the network in Warrington, reports on what the group learned, and describes how they've been putting it into action
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Motivation helps educational staff to develop both personally and professionally, and should be a focus for all CPD leaders. But what does it mean to foster school-wide motivation?
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What kind of characteristics are necessary in an effective CPD trainer when they are 'teaching teachers'? Elizabeth Holmes builds on her first e-bulletin on the subject, and asks EAL advisory teacher Frances Carron for tips on facilitating this kind of development in schools
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'Teaching teachers’ is a positive way of facilitating development within your school. Elizabeth Holmes discusses how to tackle this challenging area of CPD
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We are in a season of culture change and transformation for CPD, according to speakers at the 4th annual CPD Update conference for professional development leaders
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Graham Handscomb and John MacBeath put forward the case for teacher enquiry and benefits of research engagement for professional learning
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Does spending time and money on teacher training and professional development actually make a difference? Sara Bubb looks at the arguments for fresh and creative professional development for teachers, and getting value for money
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This CPD Week looks at strategies for getting staff started on professional development portfolios, and explores the various formats they can take
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