As we await the framework for ICT assessment and qualifications, and therefore clarification about whether ICT will be more fully integrated, or have greater stand-alone status as a subject, we consider how to assess the current role of ICT in your curriculum
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One of the commonest things Ofsted inspectors recommend schools do to improve is ‘use assessment and student-progress data to inform curriculum and lesson planning’. This ebulletin offers a pragmatic approach, enabling both formative and summative functions to be well served
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The context and potential significance of Assessing Pupil Progress are much wider than the introduction of procedures for standardisation and accountability. Below are some ideas for how you could maximise the impact of introducing APP to your school
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Angela Dewsbury looks at the role of teacher planning in successful lessons and learning events
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This first edition of our Curriculum Management E-bulletin deals with, first, reducing cover for absence and, second, one-to-one tutoring
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This edition focuses on strategies for developing whole-school formative assessment or assessment for learning (AfL)
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Personal learning and thinking skills are an integral part of the secondary curriculum. We reflect on previous attempts to introduce cross-curricular strands to the curriculum and look at a few examples of PLTS in action
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Angela Dewsbury, editor of Curriculum Management Update, looks at how curriculum managers can work with support staff to boost the learning of their pupils
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This bulletin is about changes to GCSE assessment and to the whole edifice of qualifications in the UK. Technical details are given, and suggestions made about how to respond
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Successive Ofsted regimes have made changes to the inspection framework. This e-bulletin looks at the latest one, which came into use in September 2009, and suggests some issues for you to consider
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This is the first issue of Optimus Education’s new fortnightly e-bulletin, Curriculum Management Update
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