Martin Ainsworth, headteacher of Wellfield Business and Enterprise College and chairperson of South Ribble Learning Foundation explains how group working has helped 14 educational establishments reduce isolation and increase effectiveness read more
Roger Whittall, headteacher, The Westwood School, Coventry explains the school improvement strategies that have raised attainment and standards at his school
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John Jackson looks at a new approach to leadership that puts the emphasis on integrity read more
Cultural diversity calls for comprehensive policy. But what if it doesn’t cover the case at hand? Use common sense and consultation, says Michael Brotherton
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Franz Atkinson describes a whole-school approach adopted by a small rural primary school read more
Headteacher Peter Kent and deputy Annabel Kay describe how vertical tutoring has moved them towards the extended, cross-age family ethos that they seek to develop within their school
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School leaders need a national strategy for citizenship education if they are to build on the excellent practice of those who have grasped citizenship as a tool for school transformation argues Tony Breslin, chief executive of the Citizenship Foundation
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Brian Rossiter, headteacher of Valley School, Worksop, North Nottinghamshire, offers his take on the KS3 curriculum review read more
Many school leaders don’t have professional development portfolios. David Morley looks at the benefits of creating one for yourself and the pitfalls to avoid
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Time is a strictly limited resource – we all have 168 hours in a week. The fact that some people seem to manage to get things done and have time to relax is not down to how they manage their time – it is down to how they manage themselves, argues Steve Mynard read more
Is the concept of personalised learning really all that new? Roger Smith investigates
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Teacher and trainer Michelle McGrath argues that the emphasis on students as partners in their learning is a fundamental challenge to the current model of teaching and will require significant shifts in attitudes at all levels in schools
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Joan Sallis considers the relationship between the headteacher and governor, and explores mutual expectations and issues of respect read more
Get set for a raft of changes to legislation and guidance — including rules on use of force, searching and confiscation, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Schools can develop strategies to improve fairness and freedom in terms of their students' future education and employment opprtunities, says Diane Bebbington
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Your school profile communicates essential information to parents. Roger Smith gives tips on how to present that information in a positive way read more
Special needs consultant Patti Turner details the actions you need to take to ensure your school is fully meeting the medicinal needs of all children read more
Everyone seems to be a constructivist these days, but what do people mean by 'constructivism' and what are the implications for education? read more
Headteachers have new powers to screen search pupils for offensive weapons and they can delegate them to staff. Jenni Whitehead looks at recent draft guidance explaining how the new powers will operate read more
Recognising and minimising risk in the school environment is a vital part of a headteacher’s management role, says former head Roger Smith read more
The Bichard report has been followed by a flurry of legislation and statutory guidance. Richard Bird looks at what’s changed and what still needs to happen in the world of child protection
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Teaching regularly features in the top five most stressful occupations. Former headteacher Steve Mynard explains how to harness the positive effects of stress and prevent it causing physical and mental burnout read more
Jessica Peters of the charity YoungMinds lays some common myths about self-harm to rest and explains how schools can support the young people it affects
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David Morley, a deputy headteacher for the last five years, examines the challenges facing deputy heads in the 21st century, how the role of deputies has changed in recent years and why fewer deputy heads are moving on to headship read more
What is the impact of long-term stress on your physical and mental wellbeing? Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, reports read more
Gerald Haigh concludes his series on primary assemblies by giving some tips on preparation, along with some advice on how to deliver an unplanned assembly
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Gerald Haigh begins a three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at values
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Gerald Haigh continues his three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at the role of the assembly leader
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Could the school be held liable for negligence if it doesn't tell parents after an incident? read more
The contribution of students as researchers (STARS) to students’ learning and to school development can have numerous benefits. David Lucas and Dr Margaret Wood recount their experience at Deptford Green secondary school
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Schools' relationships with the media are increasingly important. Brian Rossiter, headteacher of Valley School, Worksop, North Nottinghamshire describes his approach read more
Vision into Practice – Ensuring Every Child Matters is a self-evaluation tool for inclusive learning. Trish Lowson, school link officer for Inclusive Learning at Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, explains read more
Being more aware of mind and body is the key to managing stress says Steve Mynard read more
Teaching citizenship helps children to understand rights and responsibilities - their own and others' - as well as how society works and how they can play an active role. Margaret Collins discusses, suggesting ways in which she believes schools can help to make society a better place
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How can you make judgements about the performance of your assistants when they are in the room working alongside a teacher/ practitioner? Kevin Bullock provides one solution read more
How do you respond if a parent starts complaining about your setting or your staff? Steve Mynard advises that you start with prevention
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Practitioners need to consider the way that space and resources can be used to encourage children’s investigations. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton explain
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What are the legal implications of greater collaborative working between education and health care professionals, asks Amelia Newbold read more
What affect did the New Relationship with Schools (NRwS) have on schools and school improvement? Headteacher Trevor Bailey takes a critical look at its impact
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Can - and indeed should - someone from a background other than teaching become a school leader? School business manager Ruth Bradbury explains her aspirations to become a school leader and, below, two readers respond with their comment
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As schools open their doors to new categories of visitor, they must take an audit of risk and danger on the premises, writes Sarah Freeston. read more
Proving public benefit will be essential if you want to retain tax exemptions, write William Colacicchi and Mark Blois
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Schools will have to be more aware of these particularly vulnerable children when they review policy and practice, writes Ingrid Sutherland read more
Barbara Spender outlines the benefits for students that can come from schools collaborating with each other in a formal partnership where staff give mutual support and share resources read more
The Leading into Learning NLC has developed into a major force for professional development and improved attainment in Blackburn with Darwen, as John Westwell, Des Callaghan, Joanne Emberton and Jenny England explain
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Working to promote a positive image for your school can be a powerful tool for school improvement and can provide a focus for staff efforts on many fronts, argues Brin Best, education writer and director of Innovation for Education Ltd. read more
‘Community cohesion’ is now a legal obligation on school governors and we must make the best of it, says Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). He asks how teaching of history could contribute to this objective. read more
David Dixon adds his voice to the debate about the role of the headteacher in today's schools and suggests that ‘fast-track’ and non-teaching heads may be the poorer for missing out on the daily detail of school life read more
Recognising and minimising risk in the school environment is a vital part of a headteacher’s management role, says former head Roger Smith. read more
Trish Lowson, school link officer for inclusive learning at Calderdale metropolitan borough council, introduces Vision into Practice – Ensuring Every Child Matters, a self-evaluation tool for inclusive learning. read more