Advice and ideas for securing the school site and buildings, compiled by Dave Cotton, West Midlands Police Force and Nick Bason, Arson Prevention Bureau. read more
Every school has a general duty of care for all of the children in its care. This extends to ensuring children’s safety on the internet. read more
Teaching Expertise is delighted to announce our sponsorship of a teacher’s expedition to Antarctica, exploring how humans cope with extremes. read more
Half of all primary schools and a third of all secondary schools are due to be open from 8am to 6pm throughout the year by 2008 read more
The Foundation Stage induction process can be supported by existing staff in your setting, as demonstrated at Nottingham University’s Day Nursery read more
Angela Youngman looks at a scheme in Norwich that is raising interest around the country and two other awards that encourage good hygiene and healthy eating. read more
Helen MR Hann suggests strategies to help children transfer into the foundation stage. read more
Faye Spalding provides an overview of your responsibilities to your staff. read more
Leonora Davies, chair of the Music Education Council, talks to Nick Smurthwaite about the vital role of music and movement in early years development. read more
Nathan Archer, from the children’s house consultancy, guides you through the regulations relating to managing any money that you have raised from outside sources, and reminds you of the legalities surrounding local fundraising. read more
John Cousins is a primary mental health worker, supporting children and their families. He explains what we mean by ‘transitions’ and how they can affect the child
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If you have equipment which is fixed or too large to be put away, what can you do to prevent the threat of damage overnight? Police Sergeant Cotton of West Midlands Police has some advice for you to follow. read more
How do you care for children’s emotional health and wellbeing as they enter nursery or playgroup for the first time? Helen M R Hann, an experienced foundation stage teacher, looks at the practical implications
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Marketing a nursery is more than advertising and promotion. Marketing covers other activities, including the development of the nursery, market research and what prices should be charged. Whether your nursery is at the planning stage or is an existing business, you will still have to think about marketing. Joanne Taylor talks us through. read more
Communication is by its very nature a two-way process. Children need to have these skills if they are to particpate in shared and meaningful communications. In this Inset package, based on the need for effective communication and engagement as described in the Common Core, Roger Hurn provides information and activities to help your staff think about ways of helping children to practise and develop their communication skills.
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Jane Webb is the support childminder coordinator in Milton Keynes, employed by Milton Keynes Council and working within the childcare team at Galley Hill Education Centre in partnership with the National Childminding Association (NCMA). She recounts how her local authority set up its support childminder scheme. read more
How much does food affect young children’s behaviour? Mary Whiting reveals some research-based facts and offers some tips
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A quality assurance scheme is an ideal way to help you improve the care you offer children and families: What is involved? Hayley Doyle of the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) explains. read more
Tony Cassidy, citizenship coordinator at Kirk Hallam Community Technology College, Derbyshire describes the benefits of a Japanese exchange programme.
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The idea of using quantitative measures to evaluate students’ personal and social development can arouse considerable anxiety. James Park, director of Antidote, argues that there is a way. read more
Colin Noble explains how achieving national healthy school status supports the new ‘whole-child’ agenda. read more
Schools should be at the centre of professional support for children and heads should champion change, argues Nick Johnson OBE. read more
Robin Richardson writes in a personal capacity about DfES advice on countering racist bullying for which he acted as external consultant.
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EYU draws out the key points for early years education and childcare. read more
Peer support schemes can benefit staff and pupils. Jaci Smith describes one initiative and explains how to get started
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John Potter explores a government proposal for citizenship education. read more
Changing attitudes is fundamental to achieving full inclusion for disabled pupils, argues Liz Fitzpatrick. Here she discusses the right to equal opportunities for those with disabilities, set out in the Salamanca Statement, as well as how to go about achieving them
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Dr Diane Bebbington discusses new human rights initiative the Commission For Equality and Human Rights (CEHR), which aims to support equality and diversity, and its implications for the education of young people
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Communicating the change agenda in a cruising school
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Creating an effective school read more
Rivington and Blackrod High School has developed various ways to engage and respond to student voice — not least of which involves students giving staff feedback on teaching processes. The school is also involved in an LEA-wide initiative to promote collaborative leadership at a student level
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Student voice can be a powerful tool in encouraging higher levels of engagement in learning leading to raised achievement. But many schools still have a lot to learn about making effective use of this tool in practice to bring about whole-school improvement. We uncover some of the lessons learned so far
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Distributed leadership has the potential to transform schools, raising achievement and inspiring more effective practice from staff. Trevor Arrowsmith shows how
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School leadership is being reviewed by the DfES. Former head Roger Smith looks at assumptions about what makes a good leader and ponders on where the review will lead. read more
Why has geography lost its status? Dr John Hopkin, chair of the Geographical Association’s Education Committee, looks at ways in which geography can be put back on the school map read more
What lessons can be learned from the community education movement to help ensure the success of extended schools? Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at this issue
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Headteacher Peter Kent and deputy Annabel Kay describe how introducing a condensed KS3 programme in their school has created the opportunity for personalised learning
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Sue Moores, headteacher of a secondary school in the Isle of Man, compares the island’s educational system with that of England and concludes that she won’t be moving back here! read more
Headteacher Ian Bauckham attacks some common myths about faith schools and argues that their abolition would seriously reduce parental choice as well as being detrimental to the government’s commitment to raising standards.
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Deputy head Rob Bray considers how his responsibilities have changed over the years as the core function of deputy headship has developed from ‘management’ into ‘leadership’
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Who are the gifted and talented children in our schools and are their needs being properly met? Former head, Roger Smith, suggests that broader definitions and greater efforts need to be made to identify and support the special needs of this group read more
Neil Short, education consultant and former head, looks at how schools are facing up to the challenge of supporting and developing sporting talent among young pupils. read more
Pat Barnes, education consultant and former head, suggests ways to manage and make the most of parental help in schools
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Geography is the poor Cinderella of the primary curriculum. Where did it all go wrong and what can be done about making primary geography teaching higher on the agenda? Paula Richardson makes some suggestions read more
What makes a good supply teacher? Former head Bob Jelley draws on some memories. read more
Developmental projects can be complex. Oxfam’s Angela Grunsell reflects on what she learned from being part of the project management group. read more
UNICEF UK’s whole school change initiative the ‘Rights Respecting School Award’, has been informed by the Developing Citizenship project, as Heather Jarvis from UNICEF UK explains
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The Kwathu Project is building international links to teach students in both the UK and Malawi about the true meaning of home – at a local, national and global level.
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Global citizenship links can help increase children’s and young people’s knowledge of the wider world. The Manchester Healthy Schools Partnership created a close working relationship with three schools in Kabwe, Zambia. read more
A review of the attitudes of the whole school towards global citizenship resulted in changes to the School Development Plan. read more