Gill O'Donnell explores more external funding opportunities that school bursars can source in order to spice up their science curriculum
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Team work and the importance of successful school staff team building are the subject of this ezine for primary school leaders by Jane Golightly
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The Joint Committee on Human Rights has called on the government to adopt a Bill of Rights that goes beyond the existing legislation. Kate Mills looks at the proposals that relate to education
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The Personalisation by Pieces (PbyP) system, a personalised learning scheme to give learners control over their own progression, is being used by forty schools around the UK. Its designer, former deputy head Dan Buckley, shares some of its achievements
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Raising standards and improving pupil progress are at the heart of every school's work, and the renewed Secondary Frameworks are aimed at helping headteachers and their staff and schools do just that, says Clive Bus, National Strategies National Director, Secondary
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It is important for headteachers to challenge what they feel is an unfair representation of their school, says Anne Clarke
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Richard Bird reflects on the way the current government has tackled education, and imagines a world with no Ofsted or National Curriculum
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How can strong teachers become even better? Headteacher Peter Kent and deputy head Annabel Kay describe the staff support triad system they put in place to help staff learn from and support each other
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Chris Fenton enthuses about the possibilities of reintegrating the curriculum, and making it more creative and relevant to children
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Introducing an excellence leader to their school leadership team can give a headteacher peace of mind, whilst reassuring other staff that school improvement is being led by someone in touch with the classroom
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The DCSF claim their safety and play strategies make children safer than ever in primary schools. But has this increase in health and safety come at the cost of life experience and fun? Suzanne O'Connell investigates
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A school environment of confidence and respect can raise achievement and emotional literacy. Hazel Pulley, headteacher of Caldecote Community Primary School in Leicester, discusses how she did this in an amalgamated school
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Schools can have a major role to play to protect children from domestic violence such as 'honour'-based violence and forced marriage. Jenni Whitehead looks at a report by the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee
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Underachievement and unfulfilled potential in schools is a problem that can spiral out of control for some students. Roger Smith encourages school leadership teams to be more aware of these children
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Beryl Burkitt describes how her school's multi-professional team (MPT) enables joined-up working and aims to support learners
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Steve Mynard considers the educational tradition of the six week summer holiday, and asks if it is, and whether it should be, under threat
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John Viner reflects on his headship tenure at Draper Mills Primary, in his final article about turning the troubled school around. Here he highlights the importance of the way to deal with people as a way to affect change
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The needs of families that move can be overlooked. Philip Jones examines the importance of a thorough background investigation on mobile families, in order to effectively support the children involved
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The new National Professional Qualification for Headship pilot is underway. Crispin Andrews talks to one of the first participants
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What is a school's legal position when it comes to the education of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children, and how do teachers protect their education? Michael Segal discusses
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In cases of sexual offence, it is often a school's duty to educate the perpetrator as well as protect the victim. Yvonne Spencer provides advice on how to balance these competing needs
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Schools are increasingly turning to Public Finance Initiatives to finance large building projects. Mark Blois looks at how it works
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This range of tools aims to help senior leadership teams begin powerful learning conversations between parents, students and school, to get parents to think about at-home involvement
Effective school staff recruitment is an imperative part of school management. Ruth Bradbury provides advice to ensure the effective operation of your school's recruitment practices
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There can be inherent funding challenges involved with gaining specialist status for your school. Crispin Andrews explains how the expanded community role of specialist schools has important financial implications
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The government has made £327m funding available for investment into schools to increase choice and diversity of provision. Deputy headteacher Paul Ainsworth studies the guidance and summarises the key opportunities for school leadership teams
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Are you fully up-to-date with the latest guidance on preventing arson in your school? Gill O'Donnell provides a comprehensive briefing to make sure that you are
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Wearing religious symbols in school has become a sensitive and increasingly public issue, in relation to correct school uniform. Mark Blois looks at a recent case and explains the legal position and the implications for schools
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With an increase in software and handheld learning in modern-day education, Tim Roots, director of IT vision, explains why headteachers should have a sound understanding of asset management
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Michael Segal gives guidance on what to consider when wording a pupil exclusion decision letter
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Secondary schools have been warned to prepare for the introduction of new display energy certificates this autumn. If action is not taken now it could prove expensive, says education writer Angela Youngman
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What can be done to bring enthusiasm into the teaching and learning of science? Gill O'Donnell describes the role school bursars can play using external funding
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Senior leaders can work to support the delivery of coursework and controlled assessments in order to help raise attainment. Deputy heads Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith look into how
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Jill Cameron gives a comprehensive briefing on the highs and lows of the Building Schools for the Future initiative from her personal experience with the programme
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Parents have a duty to know the whereabouts of their child for the first five days of exclusion, and schools and LAs should provide suitable full-time education from the sixth school day of exclusion, states statutory guidance
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The Investors in People Standard had a major impact on Alison Shakespeare's school's CPD, helping them to embed a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation. Read why she thinks it's such a good idea for school improvement
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A private finance initiative (PFI) project can transform a school. Headteacher Brian Rossiter describes the final stages of his school's project, the initial aim of which was to turn his school into an educational establishment for the future
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How does it feel to end a long period as headteacher? After 18 years in the role, secondary headteacher Anne Clarke describes her feelings as she approaches the end of her career and considers what she will, and will not, miss
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Once implemented, VLEs can be used as an integrated tool to improve students' progress and school administration. School business managers and bursars are key to this development, in terms of sustaining the VLE
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Academic standards can only be raised when behaviour is improved. Awaiting an Ofsted visit, headteacher John Viner continues his series on how staff at Drapers Mills Primary have worked together to raise standards
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Do you know your way around educational employment law? Does your school's pay and remuneration package meet or exceed minimum standards? Tamara Ludlow gives a legal overview of essential information for both leadership teams and staff
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What is different about academies, and what is it about these schools that provokes such a diversity of feelings in education professionals and parents alike? Susie Roome focuses on this hot topic, which has recently seen much press interest and community debate generated by the government’s expanding programme
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We've been collecting your stories about the inspiring and encouraging experiences you’ve had at work during 2008. Here is a collection of the leadership and management themed responses you sent to the question, What has been your most positive experience at work this year?
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What are your responsibilities and obligations towards pupils at your school who are disabled? Mark Blois discusses the relevant legislation and explains what you need to know and do
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Consent is required for many aspects of school life but it is not always clear what form this must take. Kate Mills looks at the issue of consent; when it is required, who needs to provide it, and how a school should go about getting it
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We are in a season of culture change and transformation for CPD, according to speakers at the 4th annual CPD Update conference for professional development leaders
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Is accessing a grant to fund educational improvements to your school something that interests you? Gill O'Donnell explains the scope of the Foyle Foundation and how it could benefit your institution
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Would a project designed to help secondary students address their emotional needs and wellbeing benefit those at your school? Read on for former assistant headteacher Val Taylor's experience at her school with Reaching Out
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This resource offers a number of theoretical case studies where child protection could be a concern, intended for staff discussion. It then follows each scenario with suggested points for consideration
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As a behaviour and education support team (BEST) coordinator, Tony Nicholson has a wide and varied role. Here he gives an insight into his role and the work of the BEST team
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