In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider an imaginative way to recycle an unsightly and invasive type of litter
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Miep Gies died this week aged 100. She helped shelter Anne Frank’s family during the Second World War and saved Anne’s diaries which were published to great acclaim
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In this e-bulletin we consider how productive working relationships and conversation can be encouraged through reorganising the structure of staff meetings
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Jane Golightly starts the term by asking - are you making the most of yourself as a school leader? - and offers examples of best practice to measure yourself against
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The Children, Schools and Families Bill is due to have its second reading in the House of Commons on 11 January 2010. If the unamended Bill becomes an Act, it will grant Academy Trusts exempt charity status. Vicki Hair examines the current charitable status of Academy Trusts and what the change will mean
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In this assembly, Joe Walker considers the extent to which we are all masters of our own destiny, as we begin another decade. The assembly challenges listeners to consider not how the next year might turn out, but how they might shape 2010
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In this assembly, Joe Walker considers the extent to which we are all masters of our own destiny, as we begin another decade. The assembly challenges listeners to consider not how the next year might turn out, but how they might shape 2010
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This week’s copy, by Katie Michelon, examines key proposals of the new Children, Schools and Families Bill including new rules on accountability for schools, parental responsibility, curriculum, National Challenge schools, school report cards and home school guarantees
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This assembly uses the popularity of advent calendars to consider what our values should be as we prepare for the season of goodwill
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In the third of our e-bulletins about staffing, we look at how senior leaders should tackle the sometimes difficult, but important issue of underperformance of staff
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This primary assembly centres around presents, helping children think about the purpose of present-buying, and their own feelings about both giving and receiving
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Successive Ofsted regimes have made changes to the inspection framework. This e-bulletin looks at the latest one, which came into use in September 2009, and suggests some issues for you to consider
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Schools can do their best for each child only if families and carers are involved in children’s learning. Jane Golightly considers the reasons why some schools are great at involving families, while others struggle
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The recent Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) decision by the High Court in the case X Endowed Primary School v Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (2009) could impact significantly on schools. Westley Laird reviews the case and discusses how this decision could affect your school
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The General Teaching Council for England (GTCE) has recently introduced a new Code of Practice which came into force in October. Nearly 10 years since it was first established, Katie Michelon examines the GTCE’s role and how it carries out its regulatory function
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Jane Golightly discusses how to make sure that your educational establishment makes a difference in your pupils lives
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Admissions appeals based on admission decisions seem to be a constant thorn in the side of schools and admissions authorities. A recent High Court decision focusing on when a school is ‘full’ will remind appeal panels of the evidence they need to consider. How could the case impact on your school?
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider how and why we give awards. Students are encouraged to consider what awards they might give within their school
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Jane Golightly gives advice on how to keep your priorities in sight when using data to focus on your school improvement
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What are the legal considerations to the topic of pupil voice within education? Mark Blois discusses
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Former headteacher Jane Golightly discusses how to be a successful leader by detailing what she thinks are important school leadership skills - including being resilient and flexible
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider recent news stories about anti-social behaviour and the consequences
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Dai Durbridge considers the current position of the Independent Safeguarding Authority and the effect the new powers will have on teachers and schools
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When carrying out your school's monitoring and evaluation (M&E) policy, is it vital that you follow up and act upon your findings in order to make the process effective, says Jane Golightly
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This secondary assembly looks at advertising and the powers it has over the public, particulary in terms of alcoholic drinks advertised through sports branding
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Dai Durbridge considers the current management of allegations against staff and some possible changes on the horizon, with reference to the ISA and enhanced CRB checks
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In this assembly, Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider why some people who believe they have a a cause to promote are tempted into terrorist activity
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This assembly explores responsibility and road safety, in the context of children walking to school
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Jane Golightly, author of Primary Leadership Focus, welcomes those in primary school leadership to a new school year and gives 'back to basics' advice on school policy
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This assembly explores our views about the relationship, or possible conflicts between, justice and compassion. It responds to the issues raised by the release of the Lockerbie bomber by the Scottish Government
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The Audit Commission’s report Valuable Lessons questions whether taxpayers are getting value for money from the education system. The Commission has also issued guidance on how schools can improve economy and efficiency while still optimising outcomes for children. Gill O’Donnell looks at the recommendations
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This assembly looks at the feelings of children and teachers as they start the new school year
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Sarah Houston looks at proposed changes to the equalities law in terms of it's affect on employment within the education sector
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Author: Gerald Haigh and Jane West
Primary Assemblies for the Global Dimension provides 40 primary school assemblies to add value to your school curriculum by bringing in the added aspect of global dimension
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There are many occasions when speedy school-home contact is important. Gerald Haigh looks at the software available to help schools make effective links with parents
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David White shares his school improvement partner (SIP) experiences from both sides, concerning the school improvement partner's role and a hidden agenda at work within schools
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What can schools learn from the Baby P case? Jenni Whitehead examines the report on Haringey children’s services and gives advice on how to prepare for unannounced inspections
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This primary SEAL assembly, written by Gerald Haigh, discusses the first landing on the Moon and compares the new beginning for mankind to pupils' new beginnings next school year
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In this assembly for secondary schools, Brian Radcliffe invites students to learn the history of the Ashes cricket series and to consider what makes people patriotic
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Susie Roome discusses your responsibilities and obligations towards disabled pupils, and how recent case law may assist in successfully defending these challenges
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Dai Durbridge discusses ContactPoint, the database recording all detail of children in England, and its impact on education and chid protection
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This assembly tells the story of the last British Wimbledon Singles Champion, and celebrates some of the changes that have happened to our country since her victory
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This assembly explores our views about those who are different to us and the extent to which we welcome them into our lives and the community
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As we approach the end of one academic year and prepare for the next, Jane Golightly suggests eight jobs that primary leaders should do before school closes, so that September gets off to a flying start
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This secondary assembly considers peer pressure and designer clothing
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Where do schools stand legally on teachers airing their political views in the classroom? Michael Segal explores this sensitive issue
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Leadership and leadership skills — this secondary assembly looks at what qualities are important in a leader
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How will Lord Laming's 2009 report impact upon a schoo's information sharing duties and resulting policy? Dai Durbridge discussesses correct information sharing and its role in good child protection practice
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