In an educational management world filled with assessment, the FMSiS may seem at first to be yet another drain on the school business manager’s time – but this ebulletin shows the vital supportive role it can play for all of those involved in leading the school
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Healthy lifestyles, in particular tackling obesity, can be promoted through extended schools. Nick Holt considers some practical approaches
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The best way to protect and improve pupil wellbeing at your school is to create support systems to promote staff well-being, says Tina Rae. Having emotionally literate teachers is vital when working with students at risk of developing emotional problems
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the addictive effects of video games and suggests some relational strategies to address them
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The DCSF have articulated a view that every school should have a student council. Here we discuss whether this is a good idea and whether it actually supports the drive to involve students in meaningful activity?
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This assembly reflects on spring and memories, using a poem written by A. E. Housman
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This assembly considers the significance of the letter X, which voters use to mark their ballot papers in the general election. Thinking about the many meanings of X can help us to understand ourselves and others
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This second A-Z e-bulletin continues to provide some food for thought about your management role
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The assembly helps children to understand that fairness is an intrinsic quality of all sport – that cheating damages the sport as well as taking away from the achievements of the cheat
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New guidance requires schools and local authorities to work more closely together to promote the achievement of looked after children. Hayley Roberts and Sara Erwin-Jones examine the implications for schools
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Lunch breaks can be a source of conflict and behaviour problems, which often spill over and disrupt the classroom during the afternoon sessions. How effective are your routines and systems for a successful midday break, asks Dave Stott
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The first in a A-Z series examining important, but sometimes overlooked, aspects of your role in managing your school
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This assembly challenges listeners to think about the rescue services available to us, suggesting that perhaps we take such things for granted especially in more economically developed countries such as our own
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This assembly discusses British citizens stuck abroad due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland and subsequent flight ban
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What do the four main parties (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green) have to say about education?
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A new report from Ofsted appears to confirm what many teachers will already be well aware of: professional development which is owned by teachers is important for performance at work. But what else do we need to be aware of?
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider how they might influence the upcoming general election, despite their young age
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The process of involving students in teacher recruitment is a controversial one. Kieran McGrane details the success of his school’s use of this recruitment technique, and offers advice on how to emulate it
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Dai Durbridge, a safeguarding expert at Browne Jacobson solicitors, examines the new Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance and summaries the key changes below
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Volunteering provides opportunities for the local community to engage with your school’s extended services. Here are some suggestions for activities, including awareness days, accreditation opportunities, the arts and the Olympic Games
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This issue takes a deeper look at the role of the educational visits coordinator, answering some of the queries raised by readers about charging, staffing and organisation procedures
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This assembly looks at the sport of mountain climbing and the huge challenge that awaits the boy who wants to be the youngest person to conquer Everest
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Most schools will probably already be offering a range of after school clubs to pupils, but it is always worth considering new ideas and looking for inspiration. Here we investigate some ideas for starting novel after school clubs
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the possibility that increased wealth may not lead to increased happiness
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Were the recent adjustments to the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) necessary? Katie Michelon examines some of the changes that Singleton has recommended in his report, Drawing the Line, which was published in December, and provides an update on the new guidance and the awaited sector-specific guidance
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This assembly looks at what it means to footballers to represent their country in the World Cup and the meaning of national pride
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In this assembly, Joe Walker challenges listeners to think about how easily we tend to blame external factors for things and so perhaps avoid our own responsibilities
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The assembly sets out some of the facts about Down’s syndrome. It includes the story of Dr Down, and mentions some famous people with Down’s. The theme throughout is that of attitudes to people with learning difficulties
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As schools are operating in an effective market place, the number of students they are able to attract each year is vital to the future of the institution. In this ebulletin we consider some strategies for the recruitment of new students and their parents
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Extended Schools Update is a new e-bulletin which hopes to provide educational professionals with some practical insights and advice to support them with emerging practice at their schools
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Children’s centres, multi-agency teams and other schools are valuable resources for every educational setting. This issue looks at how partnerships can help you to work towards the best outcomes for children
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This assembly asks children to think about the challenges faced by deaf musicians and mentions both Beethoven and Dame Evelyn Glennie
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In this assembly, students are invited to consider the cost of bringing up a child in the UK, and to think about whether they personally are offering good value for the money that has been spent on them
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From April 2010, the responsibility for commissioning 16-19 education will pass to local authorities. Rebecca Taylor-Onion looks at the policy driving the changes, and the impact which the new National Commissioning Framework will have on the market in further education provision
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In this e-bulletin we consider the pressure for schools to produce better results year on year, and the alternative approaches and strategies that can be taken to try and achieve it
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This assembly tells the story of a bomb-sniffing dog called Treo, an Army dog who did work in Afghanistan, became the 63rd animal to be awarded the ’Animals’ VC‘ – the Dickin Medal.
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This issue explores how you can evaluate and improve your school’s relationship with parents, presenting the vital questions to ask of your school and staff
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In this week’s assembly, Joe Walker challenges listeners to look at themselves and the wider exploits of humanity from a different perspective… prompted by the arrival of aliens
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Katie Michelon reminds us of the law in the area of exclusions and examines some recent developments around ‘unofficial exclusions’ and schools’ powers to direct pupils to receive behavioural provision away from mainstream education
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This assembly considers attitudes to cheating in the light of the news that more pupils are using new ‘technological’ methods in order to cheat in examinations. It considers the pressures that may drive us to cheat and asks questions about the role of conscience
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On the general subject of climate change, this assembly invites students to consider how easily we become sceptical, and the effect this might have on the world’s poorest people
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Fifty years ago this month, the Greensboro Four sat down for a coffee in Woolworths. This assembly explores the lessons their act of bravery teaches us
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Governors play a vital strategic role in the management of a school, so it is worth investing some time and resource in making sure that they are performing as effectively as possible
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The recently published Lamb Report on special educational needs (SEN) and parental confidence has made some interesting recommendations. But are they all realistic? Westley Laird reviews the report and reflects on its viability
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This assembly reflects on the idea of hope, challenging listeners to engage in hopeful thinking for the future. It refers to the recent events in Haiti, as well as the memorial services recently held to remember the victims of the Holocaust
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Good relationships with unions are important to school leaders; these work best if roles and communication are clear and issues are dealt with regularly in a spirit of openness and honesty
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This assembly for secondary school pupils looks at the tradition of Groundhog Day, considers why we get bored of routine, and why we should think twice about it
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In the light of recent high-profile data losses by government agencies and banks, the government has signalled its intention to impose hefty fines on organisations that breach the Data Protection Act. Simon White, a data protection expert at Browne Jacobson LLP, assesses the impact this will have on schools
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School business managers may sometimes be called upon to deal with staff behaviour that is causing problems – this week we look at how to deal effectively with this thorny issue
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This ezine shows that there’s no secret to good staff management – communication, building and maintaining relationships and managing staff development are the keys to a satisfied and effective school workforce
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