Well I’ve had my interview. It was postponed until today due to Governor illness and the fact that it was only internal candidates meant that we just had to put up with that.
I was drugged up to my eye-balls because of my bad back (still am actually) and probably not in any fit state to be in front of my Year 10 group, but there you go.
Anyhows – success!! From 1st September Mrs. O’C will be a deputy head in a secondary school. I am absolutely delighted (not least because of the increase in pay!) and am pleased that the Head felt happy to promote me after a relatively short space of time.
I expect I’ll start thinking about what the job will mean at a later date but for now I’m planning to smile at my next class (they’ll wonder what’s happened) and then plan a celebratory meal with my husband plus loads of emails and texts to various people who are awaiting news.
I promised to do a list of questions and answers for the website to help others so I’ll get on to that, maybe as it was internal I can actually get a full copy of the questions and do model answers.