Current line-up of expert speakers
William Scott
Director: Centre for Research in Education and the Environment, University of Bath
Janice Lawson
Head of Sustainable Development Unit, DCSF
David Gardner
Curriculum Advisor, QCA
Christine Dickson
Director, Centre for Education and Finance Management
Leszek Iwaskow
HMI Specialist Advisor for ESD, Ofsted
Andrew Grant
Senior Geography Teacher, The Castle School
Iclal Lawrence
Assistant Headteacher, Tollgate Primary School
Ken Webster
Educational Consultant & UK’s most published author on ESD for schools and colleges
Ken Heaton
Energy Manager, MITIE
Kate Nash
Headteacher, Silverhill Primary School
Gill Hickman
Sustainability Co-ordinator, Ringwood School
Jane Armstrong
Headteacher, Farnborough Grange Infant School
Frances Thomson
Deputy Head, Crispin School
Freda Eyden
Environmental Projects Co-ordinator, Woodheys Primary School
Polly Wise
Eco-Schools Coordinator, Thomas A Becket Middle School
James Hindson
ESD Trainer & Formerly Head of the Field Studies Council Environmental Education
Kim Hudson
Consuiltant, Inspiring Outdoors and Sustainable Schools Adviser, Lincolnshire County Council
Please note: this conference is currently being developed to ensure the best line-up of speakers, so please check back here for the latest information. All speakers listed above are confirmed.