The Carbon Trust suggests that most schools can save around 20% on their energy bills simply by improving insulation, heating and lighting and by actively encouraging staff and students to participate in energy saving activities’ – School Financial Management, March 2010
During these moments of financial strain and budget cuts, implementing sustainable initiatives is your gateway to immediate, tangible and long term savings.
Are you unsure of where or how to begin your sustainability programme? Does your school need a more streamlined and target driven approach?
The Developing Sustainable Schools conference is your one stop opportunity to take away a toolkit of strategies to develop and refine your sustainability practices. It is only through a target-driven sustainability programme that you will lead school improvement that will achieve savings, raise standards of learning and teaching, and improve student behaviour and attitudes.
Click here to see an overview of this event. You can also see details of the day in our conference programme.
Last year’s delegates said:
“Very inspiring with lots of advice and guidance on how to start or improve sustainability”.
L. Bedford, PSHE Co-ordinator, Oakdale Junior School
“Really useful and thought provoking day that helped to develop my thinking and practice regarding sustainability. I feel enthused and empowered to carry forward this approach at my school”.
T. Bradbury, Headteacher, Brady Primary School
“This event has reinforced the importance of sustainability globally and raised some good ideas to go forward within a school environment”.
S.Miller, School Manager’s Assistant, The Leventhorpe School
“Very worthwhile and excellent networking opportunity.Very informative”.
A.Wilson, Enviro Schools Co-ordinator, Newcastle City Council
“A conference that has made me more selfdetermined and confident to push the sustainability agenda throughout the school”.
M. Ellis, Science & Sustainability Co-ordinator, Starks Field Primary School