We are delighted to welcome a panel of expert speakers including Janice Lawson, Head of Sustainable Development Unit at the DCSF. Janice will outline the National Framework for Sustainability and how you can utilise this agenda as a “key delivery mechanism for whole-school improvement”.
Leszek Iwaskow, HMI Specialist Advisor for ESD, Ofsted will also be speaking offering you vital insights into developments happening around sustainability and inspection. He will also discuss his latest report, due to be released this autumn, that assesses the long-term impact sustainability has on the behaviour and achievement of young people.
Gill Hickman, Sustainability Co-ordinator at Ringwood School will provide practical advice on tackling the key challenges of motivating students and staff. Gill will help you share your vision more effectively and get others on board with your eco projects.
This conference will help you to:
> Gain a clear understanding of the DCSF’s plans for the Sustainable Schools agenda and get your questions answered > Receive practical tips to identify areas for action to develop or kick-start your journey towards sustainability > Successfully secure funding to drive forward sustainability in your school
> Improve behaviour, attendance and the engagement of your students through embedding sustainability across your curriculum
Who should attend?
✔ Eco / Sustainable School Co-ordinators ✔ Deputy and Assistant Headteachers ✔ Heads of Geography ✔ PSHE and Citizenship Co-ordinators
✔ Sustainable Development Officers
Click here to book your place now
PLUS: All delegates will be able to download exclusive speaker presentations to take back to school and use in training.