“ We have agreed with Ofsted that the revised inspection framework will better reflect the need for sustainable development to be an underpinning ethos to schools” Sustainable Schools Delivery Plan, DCSF (May 2009)
Momentum is building behind the Sustainable Schools agenda and is only set to intensify as Education for Sustainable Development is increasingly linked to pupil well-being and whole-school improvement.
How can you successfully develop and embed sustainability at the heart of your school? Are you unsure where to start or struggling to maintain momentum? Do you need some new and inspiring ideas to invigorate the work you are already doing?
At the Developing Sustainable Schools Conference you will be able to gain practical tips, ideas and guidance to help you successfully embed sustainability in your school.
Click here to see an overview of this event.
You can also see details of the day in our conference programme.
Last year’s delegates said:
“ Very motivating I’m full of ideas I can’t wait to try!” Shona Weir, Science Teacher, Weavers School
“ An excellent day with lots of practical ideas, suggestions and good advice – it all seems more possible now. Thank you.”
Hayley Kirkpatrick, Deputy Headteacher, Eversley Primary School
“ Excellent, inspiring conference with opportunities to share ideas with colleagues throughout the day”
Sinead Queeney, St Gilda’s RC Junior School