As the DDA and Equality Act broaden the definition of disability and the duties of schools, testing has recently been completed on draft tools for helping schools to identify disability
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The new Equality Act will remove the exemption for schools which previously meant that they did not have to provide auxiliary aids and services to students with a disability. Rebecca Taylor-Onion looks at the impact of the new disability duty in relation to auxiliary aids and services on schools
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The recent Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) decision by the High Court in the case X Endowed Primary School v Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (2009) could impact significantly on schools. Westley Laird reviews the case and discusses how this decision could affect your school
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Susie Roome discusses your responsibilities and obligations towards disabled pupils, and how recent case law may assist in successfully defending these challenges
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Support for children with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis are the subject of this SENCO Week, as Linda Evans offers SENCos related advice
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Children with little or no speech (augmentative and alternative communication) can now be supported by a wide range of communication aids, but much still depends on funding
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The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has published a guideline on the diagnosis and management of ADHD in children, young people and adults. But what are its implications for schools?
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Pupils with more significant speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) needs are looked at in the second e-bulletin on the subject from Linda Evans, including how SENCOs can plan effective interventions
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There are a range of anxiety and depressive disorders. Michael Farrell examines what schools can do, including therapy and support options
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The Bercow Review has made its recommendations on the steps needed to transform provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, after 10 months of investigation and analysis
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Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are dealt with by over one million children in the UK; most of them in mainstream schools. This ebulletin considers how SENCOs can support colleagues in meeting the needs of these children in the classroom
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Conduct disorder can be highly challenging to deal with at school. Special educational consultant Michael Farrell looks at the disorder in detail
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Fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD) are regarded as the leading known cause of non-genetic intellectual disability in the Western world. Special Children gives some useful information about FASD and interviews the adoptive mother of a child with fetal alcohol sydrome
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Speech and phonological disorders are the focus of this article by Michael Farrel, who considers provision for those pupils dealing with communication difficulties
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An innovative intervention programme to support children with motor coordination difficulties is described here, by Mhairi Archibald and Amanda Sangster
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The demands of the SENCO role should not outweigh its attractiveness, warns a nasen-funded study. Sue Pearson reports on her research
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Intervention programmes for dypraxia can have daily and long-term benefits for children. This SENCO Week looks at ways of supporting children with dyspraxia, both in school and at home, using intervention programmes
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SENCos must be familiar with the legislation and guidance related to physical impairment, and be able to contribute to the school’s accessibility planning by making reasonable adjustments in order to include these pupils in all aspects of education; as discussed in this SENCO Week
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Visual impairment is the topic of this SENCO Week, which provides information about warning signs that children are struggling with sight problems, the possible consequences and what you can do in the classroom to help
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Impaired hearing is this week's topic in SENCO Week, which provides information to help education professionals consider the needs of hearing impaired (HI) learners, with pointers for dealing with parents as well as pupils
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Are advances in brain sciences useful to the field of education? Dr Jodi Tommerdahl looks at whether breakthroughs in our knowledge of how the human brain works can provide insight into how children learn, particularly in the area of SEN, and, if so, what’s taking so long?
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Exams can be especially challenging for SEN pupils. This SENCO Week provides you with ideas for the planning of special arrangements and support during this time
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Information regarding children and young people with Asperger’s Syndrome is the subject of the e-bulletin, following on from the last SENCO Week covering Autistic Spectrum Disorder
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This free supplement booklet discusses the changing role of the SENCO in mainstream schools in England, and the government's plans to ensure that SEN support is as effective as possible
Members of the therapy team at St Nicholas School in Canterbury describe the Shared Goals Project, an innovative approach to supporting students with profound and complex needs
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Jenni Whitehead looks at a document she believes to be essential reading for those working with disabled children, which can be used to audit your school's safeguarding provision
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Michael Farrell considers the mathematics disorder dyscalculia, and looks at ways of supporting students who struggle with its effects
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This resource provides practical tips and strategies that will help Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) support pupils with mutism
This resource will help you implement an effective approach to support pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) - specifically profound or complex needs
As part of your provision mapping activity this term, you'll be reviewing the resources for small group and individual intervention programmes, class-based learning support and various types of 'catch-up' work. This week we provide some prompts to guide your thinking. read more
This week, continuing our subject-specific guidance, we're looking at how teachers and TAs can support pupils with SEN in music lessons, as well as how music may be used in other situations. read more
PE is the theme of our third subject-specific issue of SENCO Week, in which we look at the inclusion of pupils with SEN in all kinds of physical education and sport
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An important part of the SENCO role is to support colleagues in developing effective strategies for meeting children's special needs. This term, we're providing subject-specific guidance for you to share with class teachers read more
Numeracy and mathematics are areas that cause confusion and anxiety for many learners. SENCO Week looks at ways in which teachers can identify and support such pupils in the classroom
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When pupils find it difficult to write legibly and reasonably quickly, it can significantly disadvantage them in school. We look at how SENCOs can organise additional support
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The ability to write is still of prime importance, it's a complex activity and many children with SEN need extra help and support
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SENCO Week provides information to help you support pupils with physical or sensory difficulties and outlines the role of the Disability Discrimination Act read more
SENCO Week explains the tell-tale signs of hearing impairment and introduces some support strategies. Also included is SENCO Helpsheet 4 on medical conditions. read more
SENCO Week explains the different types of cognitive and learning difficulties, and provides a useful help sheet for identifying pupils with dyslexia read more
Practical strategies to help you support pupils with cognition and learning difficulties read more
In SENCO Week's third installment of Cognition and Learning, we focus on pupils with more significant difficulties read more
SENCO Week looks at behavioural, emotional and social development (BESD)
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Here are some useful reminders about making good provision for pupils with visual impairments
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SENCO Week looks at the different types of communication and interaction difficulties and how SENCOs can provide effective support
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Practical strategies and specific solutions for helping pupils with communication and interaction difficulties to overcome barriers to learning, plus an update on special schools funding
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A small number of children with 'glue ear' go on to experience longer term hearing difficulties, an important issue for SENCOs to convey to class teachers read more
How can SENCOs establish effective support for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? This SENCO Week looks at strategies for when working with children with autism
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In March 2008, a four-year investigation into whether Glaxosmithkline had withheld negative information about the effects of Seroxat on under-18s ended with a decision that there was insufficient evidence to mount a successful prosecution. Special Children reports read more
Michael Farrell considers a wide range of provision for pupils with development coordination disorder, or dyspraxia
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Jason Wood describes a groundbreaking project in which two Cornish schools carried out research comparing the views of SEN students and their peers on ECM outcomes read more