In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider recent news stories about anti-social behaviour and the consequences
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at more practical activities that can be used to help young people explore the idea of 'emotional resourcefulness' in the context of young learners' self-management, using Emotion Concept Line; Recipes; Emotional Swap
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In this issue of SENCO Week, Linda Evans suggests some ways of helping pupils to concentrate, and also how to develop memory skills, with advice for SENCOs and teachers
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Are you worried about swine flu in your early years setting? Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton give advice on preventing swine flu spreading, keeping parents informed and managing existing cases
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This assembly looks at genealogy, with a focus on the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his family tree
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Encourage your students to make somebody smile today with this secondary SEAL assembly
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A primary assembly about swimming
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This secondary assembly looks at advertising and the powers it has over the public, particulary in terms of alcoholic drinks advertised through sports branding
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at practical activities that can be used to help young people explore the idea of 'emotional resourcefulness' in the context of young learners' self-management, using a circle diagram
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This assembly looks at the inventions and technological advances that have changed our world, as well as inviting children to suggest what inventions they can predict that might change the future
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In this assembly, Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider why some people who believe they have a a cause to promote are tempted into terrorist activity
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This assembly explores responsibility and road safety, in the context of children walking to school
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This assembly explores our views about the relationship, or possible conflicts between, justice and compassion. It responds to the issues raised by the release of the Lockerbie bomber by the Scottish Government
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Help young learners to start thinking and talking about the concept of 'self-management', and thereby begin to uncover for themselves the skills and dispositions involved
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This, the first Early Years Focus, provides advice on how to be a creative practitioner for those working with young children in the Early Years Foundation Stage
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This assembly looks at the feelings of children and teachers as they start the new school year
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Following the death of Michael Jackson, this secondary assembly considers his life and focuses on his song Man In The Mirror. It asks how we can ’make a change’ from selfishness to loving concern
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Learning and Thinking Skills looks at a range of different ways of assessing students' creative development, and engaging students in that process, including Geoff Petty's model of creativity
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This primary SEAL assembly, written by Gerald Haigh, discusses the first landing on the Moon and compares the new beginning for mankind to pupils' new beginnings next school year
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In this assembly for secondary schools, Brian Radcliffe invites students to learn the history of the Ashes cricket series and to consider what makes people patriotic
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This assembly looks at the work of the gondoliers, the magical city of Venice, and the excitement of travelling somewhere new that a holiday can bring
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Learning and Thinking Skills explains a strategy to teach the thinking skill of analysis to pupils across all subject areas, including downloadable examples of the strategy in use
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This secondary assembly considers peer pressure and designer clothing
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This primary assembly looks at the work of the meteorological office and the people who are involved with forecasting the weather as part of their career
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Leadership and leadership skills — this secondary assembly looks at what qualities are important in a leader
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To encourage creative thinking further, these strategies are designed to help students expand and develop their initial ideas by encouraging them to see new possibilities through playful experiment and discussion
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The primary assembly by Gerald Haigh discusses old age, using Henry Allingham as an example - currently the oldest man in Britain
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This secondary SEAL assembly explores the concepts of bravery and courage
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This primary assembly celebrates schools' all-weather heroes and heroines - school crossing patrol wardens
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National identity and personal identity are the themes of this secondary assembly, using the 2009 European elections as loose theme
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at two more some practical 'creative thinking tools' for classroom use
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This primary assembly by Gerald Haigh looks sensitively at child trafficking, using the example of a charity that helps circus children in Nepal
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This secondary assembly encourages students to consider the benefits of slowing down, in terms of greater enjoyment and health, referencing the principles behind the Slow Down London festival.
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This ebulletin describes a practical strategy for involving pupils in a behaviour management process, which takes account different teaching and learning styles
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This Primary assembly focuses on acts of charity and people who use their wealth for good causes, using Brian Burnie and Elizabeth Fry as examples
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This PSHE assembly for secondary students broaches the idea of social responsibility, sensitively considering the case of Baby P as an example
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Anne de A'Echevarria looks at three practical 'creative thinking tools' for classroom use
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This assembly discusses the current outbreak of swine flu and examines our emotional and social reactions to it. It seeks to discuss the unspoken fears that concern young people. It does not offer detailed health education on the subject
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The subject of pets is one that can effectively be used to engage children in lessons about personal responsibility, and the importance of natural habitats for animals. Gerald Haigh uses a popular advertising campaign to relate these important social lessons to young children
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Learning and Thinking Skills looks at activities that can be used to initiate dialogue about creativity between staff and students
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This assembly for primary school children introduces them to ideas about schools and education in other countries and cultures
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The concepts of prejudices and stereotypes are explored in this secondary SEAL assembly, linking to the recent success of Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent
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This primary assembly looks at the music and the problem with judging appearances, using Britains's Got Talent's star Susan Boyle. It looks at the reasons why her TV appearance has moved so many people.
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This secondary SEAL assembly discusses patriotism and personal identity
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Creative thinking is Anne de A’Echevarria's new focus within her exploration of the QCA Personal Learning and Thinking Skills framework — in this issue particularly focusing on staff working together to encourage creative thinkers across the curriculum
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This secondary SEAL assembly asks pupils to consider their moral actions
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Slow learners, children who find it difficult to learn and remember things, are a challenge experienced by all teachers at some point in their career. Here we consider this group of pupils and some general strategies for helping them
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This assembly focuses on the Christian holiday of Easter, specifically the history and traditions surrounding Maundy Thursday
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This Learning and Thinking Skills completes the focus on a structured apporach to social skill development, based on the QCA’s Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills strand, ‘Team Workers'
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In this SEAL assembly for secondary students, Brian Radcliffe encourages students to consider the latest techniques used for painting the Forth Bridge, taking from it advice about ways to tackle recurring problems
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