In the first part of a series on marketing, Early Years Update looks at the vital area of creating an ‘image’ as part of marketing and promoting your organisation read more
Franz Atkinson describes a whole-school approach adopted by a small rural primary school read more
All primary schools must have a disability equality scheme in place by December 2007. Margaret Collins offers some practical suggestions to help you meet the challenge read more
Joanne MacDonald describes an innovative approach to drugs education for young children read more
Looking at the benefits and challenges of different models for providing childcare and early education service in children’s centres and extended schools read more
New research evaluates how effectively Sure Start programmes help children with special needs and disabilities read more
There are pros and cons of chosing to take the franchise option to expand. Angela Youngman reports read more
A useful update on the current law regarding discrimination is provided by Patti Turner read more
Practitioners need to consider the way that space and resources can be used to encourage children’s investigations. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton explain read more
How can you make judgements about the performance of your assistants when they are in the room working alongside a teacher/ practitioner? Kevin Bullock provides one solution read more