Teachers may question the purposes and techniques of assessment at EYFS. Jan Dubiel, Programme Leader for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile at the National Assessment Agency, discusses the practical reality of assessment at this level
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What CPD needs will a teacher have throughout the six distinct stages of their career? This article offers research summaries on the subject
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Effective school staff recruitment is an imperative part of school management. Ruth Bradbury provides advice to ensure the effective operation of your school's recruitment practices
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What constitutes a healthy diet for babies and toddlers under five years old? Sarah Almond, a registered dietician, discusses this query with reference to examples of the nutritional standards of food served in a range of childcare settings
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There can be inherent funding challenges involved with gaining specialist status for your school. Crispin Andrews explains how the expanded community role of specialist schools has important financial implications
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What are the implications of recent changes to Ofsted inspections of early years education? Early Years Update explains
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Many schools have rethought their exclusion policies since the sixth day exclusion law was introduced in September 2007. Eileen Field explains the options now surrounding school exclusion
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The government has made £327m funding available for investment into schools to increase choice and diversity of provision. Deputy headteacher Paul Ainsworth studies the guidance and summarises the key opportunities for school leadership teams
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What is the most effective form of CPD? What effect will workforce remodelling and the new Master's have? Nansi Ellis of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers gives her views
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Supporting learning is an important part of good early years practice with babies, toddlers and three- to five-year-old children. Early Years Update offers a range of practical ideas to underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
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This case study describes the journey of an all-girls school that piloted the first engineering diploma, hoping to encourage creativity, thinking skills and teamwork. Liz Allen, Head of Newstead Wood School for Girls in Bromley, describes their aims and experience
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Does your school encourage innovation within teaching through its CPD? According to the GTCE, most teachers are displaying innovative practice, even though they don't realise it. This article showcases some best practice
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Joan Sallis looks back at the successes and obstacles she experienced during a year as a primary school governor, and considers the one ahead
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Are you fully up-to-date with the latest guidance on preventing arson in your school? Gill O'Donnell provides a comprehensive briefing to make sure that you are
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An effective induction process is an integral part of welcoming new members of staff to your school. This article discusses things to remember during your school staff induction
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Diplomas can provide your students with a teaching and learning programme that helps to equip them with vocational skills - but only if curriculum managers know how to deliver this new qualification. Glynis Frater guides you through
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Have you ever thought of approaching your school's CPD with an arts focus? Beverley Kirk describes the reflective and creative benefits of teachers coming at their continuing professional development from a different perspective
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Some might think that a positive learning environment would be an ineffective tool against aggression in pupils with social emotional behavioural difficulties. However, Michael Jones speaks to a school who believes that a nurturing and supportive environment is exactly what SEBD children need
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Current research indicates that a significantly large proportion of females from ethnic minorities, particularly South Asian communities, are failing to participate in physical activity in the UK. Samaya Farooq and Gerald Griggs share their research
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Robert Sinclair offers some ideas on how to introduce climate change lessons into the primary classroom, as part of the KS2 geography curriculum
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Computer games can now be used to effectively encourage fitness in schools. PE & Sport examines how the popular Nintendo Wii and PSX Dance Mats can be used to build up stamina, muscle tone and coordination
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Local government authorities were heavily criticised for failing to adequately manage provision for children with complex special needs in February 2007. So how did things change in 18 months?
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What can schools actually do about tackling self-harm at primary schools? Sue Morris discusses this in her second article on self-harm and suicidal behaviour in primary school children
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Boxing4Schools is the first project of its kind in the UK, linking schools with local amateur boxing clubs and endeavouring to address disaffected youths, discipline, respect and the battle against obesity
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Fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD) are regarded as the leading known cause of non-genetic intellectual disability in the Western world. Special Children gives some useful information about FASD and interviews the adoptive mother of a child with fetal alcohol sydrome
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For those who are gifted and talented in PE and sports, a support programme can give them the maximum opportunity to succeed. Godfrey Hall speaks to head of PE, Craig Fletcher, at Bucklers Mead School in Yeovil about theirs
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Assessment for learning plays an integral part in helping children reach their sporting potential. Crispin Andrews looks at how to help primary students develop their physical literacy
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Switching the classroom for the seaside can be a refreshing change for teachers and pupils when the weather is warmer. Brian Asbury suggests some ways to link the primary science curriculum to seaside lesson plans for KS2
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Cricket games can offer a lighthearted approach to PE and sport that can really reach out to primary school children. Crispin Andrews devises some interesting primary cricket games and activities
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Helping primary students engage with the key stage 2 citizenship curriculum can be challenging. One tactic is to use sport as a vehicle for understanding rules and fairness. This example looks at cricket
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Until recently, schools faced copyright barriers when scanning textbooks for pupils with additional support needs. Paul Nisbet discusses recent changes to the law, and their implications for pupils in Scotland and the rest of the UK
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The performances of sporting legends can be used to engage pupils in maths lessons. Crispin Andrews looks at this cross curricular method, including easy-to-implement examples
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Cheerleading is the fastest growing spectator sport in Britain. A form of school athletics which has not always been popular in Britain, cheerleading is being recognised as a competitive sport which is exciting to watch
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Children live in a visual world and the ability to read visual images is becoming a vital skill. Rebecca Jenkin offers guidance on how to help key stage 2 students think critically about visual data
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Is wrestling taught in your school? Wolverley secondary school business studies teacher Chris Green teaches wrestling at his school as an after-school activity
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Vocational and extra-curricular activities for students with special education needs is an important aspect of curriculum development. Michael Jones looks at one school's provision
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What are the origins of the Olympic Games? PE & Sport Today explores Dr William Penny Brookes' involvement in the first modern olympic games, the Wenlock Olympic Games
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Newly-crowned European diving champion, teenager Tom Daley, talks about preparing for the Olympics and how he juggled school and sport
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Enrichment is the subject of this at-a-glance reference for gifted and talented associated education vocabulary
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Forest Schools aim to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences. Angela Youngman investigates the outdoor learning initiative, which originates from Scandinavia
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With an increase in software and handheld learning in modern-day education, Tim Roots, director of IT vision, explains why headteachers should have a sound understanding of asset management
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Emotional literacy is a skill much more innate in children than in adults. This means that, when teaching SEAL, we need to be in touch with our own emotions and needs, explains emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni
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When he took over a failing Manchester primary, Chris Fenton planned to develop the good practice he found in the Foundation Stage and spread it throughout the rest of the school
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It is a teacher's responsibility to access extension and enrichment opportunities for individual students who might benefit. Ray Speakman explains how one regional partnership is supporting schools who are doing just that
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Michael Segal gives guidance on what to consider when wording a pupil exclusion decision letter
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Secondary schools have been warned to prepare for the introduction of new display energy certificates this autumn. If action is not taken now it could prove expensive, says education writer Angela Youngman
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What can be done to bring enthusiasm into the teaching and learning of science? Gill O'Donnell describes the role school bursars can play using external funding
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The Life Project provides transformational tools and practical skills to parents, educators and teens in the areas of life, work and relationships. Erica Sosna, director of The Life Project, describes three of the facilitated exploration techiniques they use
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Local authorities owe a certain standard of care to children within their area. This case explores the legal implications and consequences of that responsibility, if it is believed to not have been upheld
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All schools should be working on an international dimension by 2012, and working towards the DCSF International School Award. Fiona Taylor discusses the merits of the Teachers' International Professional Development programme
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