Author: Belinda Heaven
Emotional Health and Wellbeing is one of nine titles from the Teach to Inspire series.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing provides activities and resources to promote a whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing. With several government agendas now focused on emotional health and wellbeing, this exciting resource helps teachers engage young people in stimulating discussion and activities. Successfully trialled, its focus is on the following SEAL areas:
- social skills
- empathy
- motivation
- managing feelings
- self-awareness.
It complements government initiatives such as Every Child Matters, the National Service Framework for Mental Health, Youth Matters, Next Steps and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. The pack is designed to:
- raise awareness about the importance of mental health
- explore common sources of stress such as bereavement, bullying, starting a new school, moving house and relationships
- help create a community that takes positive steps to promote and protect emotional health and wellbeing
- promote a whole-school approach towards the emotional wellbeing of students.
The pack is divided into topics and allows the user to pick and choose specific areas to work on. In the instructions and within each specific topic there are suggestions for 'warm ups' and 'closers'. All the necessary resources are provided in the book or can be printed from the CD Rom. There is also a PowerPoint presentation to introduce staff to the use of the pack and to highlight the relationship to emotional health and wellbeing. Suitable for ages 11+ ISBN: 978-1-906517-08-3 Details: A4, photocopiable, includes CD Rom and PowerPoint presentation