When dealing with the feelings and behaviour of early years pupils, teachers should try looking at creative ways to approach and deal with problems says Anni McTavish
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What role does emotional intelligence play in children's learning, and how can teachers use it to improve pupil's behaviour?
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Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni pays tribute to a late colleague, and reflects on what she learned from her about emotionally literate leadership
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This illustrated worksheet will encourage students to recognise, record and communicate the different types of feelings they experience. This will help embed emotional literacy into day-to-day learning
Life is full of ups and downs. Being able to identify and rationalise serious issues can contribute towards pupils' wellbeing and improve their outlook on life
Happy slapping is a fad among teenagers and older children. An unsuspecting victim is assaulted, and this is recorded by the attacker's accomplice(s). This resource focuses on the serious implications of such violent behaviour and will help to ensure that pupils are aware of the damage it can cause, as well as the consequences
Crispin Andrews speaks to practitioners in order to examine the challenges and the opportunities for pupils with SEBD in PE read more
The responsibility of SEAL and the development of emotional intelligence ultimately lies with the school, argues headteacher Neil Berry, and can have a real impact on school improvement read more
Counselling services need to be made a normal part of school provision, as new research into UK school counselling shows
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What does the Children's Plan have to say about shaping up a more emotionally literate education system? read more