An innovative project brought together vulnerable young people with learners from mainstream schools and the University of East Anglia. Dugald Ferguson reports
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Working with SEAL we try to value people for who they are, not what they've done. That means we need to focus on internal validation, not just on external achievements says Julie Leoni
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A school environment of confidence and respect can raise achievement and emotional literacy. Hazel Pulley, headteacher of Caldecote Community Primary School in Leicester, discusses how she did this in an amalgamated school
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Emotional literacy is a skill much more innate in children than in adults. This means that, when teaching SEAL, we need to be in touch with our own emotions and needs, explains emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni
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The Life Project provides transformational tools and practical skills to parents, educators and teens in the areas of life, work and relationships. Erica Sosna, director of The Life Project, describes three of the facilitated exploration techiniques they use
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What role does emotional intelligence play in children's learning, and how can teachers use it to improve pupil's behaviour?
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Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni pays tribute to a late colleague, and reflects on what she learned from her about emotionally literate leadership
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This illustrated worksheet will encourage students to recognise, record and communicate the different types of feelings they experience. This will help embed emotional literacy into day-to-day learning
Life is full of ups and downs. Being able to identify and rationalise serious issues can contribute towards pupils' wellbeing and improve their outlook on life
Crispin Andrews speaks to practitioners in order to examine the challenges and the opportunities for pupils with SEBD in PE
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Counselling services need to be made a normal part of school provision, as new research into UK school counselling shows
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The responsibility of SEAL and the development of emotional intelligence ultimately lies with the school, argues headteacher Neil Berry, and can have a real impact on school improvement read more
What does the Children's Plan have to say about shaping up a more emotionally literate education system? read more
What can be achieved by SEAL over three years? Educational psychologist Cate Summers takes a look at results in the London Borough of Westminster read more
Julie Leoni, emotional literacy coordinator at The Marches School, explores how we help young people to understand the difference between aggressive power and positive power
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Starting and changing schools are big transitions. Former headteacher Lynn Cousins shares advice on handling these and less common times of change that children experience read more
Julie Leoni, emotional literacy coordinator at the Marches School in Shropshire, reflects on the need for teachers to take risks if they are to encourage creative risk-taking in their students
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Do G&T children have more than their fair share of social-emotional difficulties? Kalliope Emmanouilidou looks into the research and challenges some stereotypical views
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Susannah Temple uses concepts from transactional analysis to highlight an important psychological issue for teachers in developing their own identity as effective practitioners
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Three years after they first started practising Philosophy for Children, Year 6 children, one parent and two of their teachers recorded what the experience had meant for them. We publish below an edited excerpt from the resulting DVD read more
Some participants in a phone-in programme about the roll-out of SEAL thought that happiness could not or should not be taught, and that it was simply a question of 'common sense'. Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni explains why she disagrees
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Principal Ian Johnson describes how an extended school day and a high level of community involvement are central to the strategy for raising achievement at The Marlowe Academy in Ramsgate read more
Raising Achievement Update summarises the useful learning that emerged from the secondary pilot of the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning programme read more
SEELS (School Emotional Environment for Learning Survey) is a valuable tool to help schools build a more emotionally literate ethos through SEAL read more
Theatre in education can be a powerful tool in teaching sex and relationship education and other PSHE and citizenship topics. Chris Cowan explains
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Many schools participate in National Storytelling Week, organised by the Society for Storytelling. This article describes how traditional storytelling can help to address difficult emotional issues, and stresses the importance of letting children and young people find their own meanings in the stories that they hear
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