EXCLUSIVE DELEGATE AREA Dear colleague, Thank you for your attendance at the Engaging Boys conference on 04 June 2009 in London. As a delegate, you can now access a variety of resources from the conference, including speakers’ PowerPoint presentations* and handouts where available, so you can more easily share with your colleagues what you learned on the day – and you’ll also get to see what you missed out on in the other seminar sessions. Simply click any of the pdf files you’d like, then enter your user name and password and click the pdf file again to download it. Unfortunately, we cannot offer all resources at the present time, due to permissions rights, but please check back here at a later date, as more materials will be added if/when they become available.
Many thanks to all speakers who kindly granted permission for use of their materials.
Please note that Internet Explorer 6 users will experience problems downloading the files. Please upgrade your browser or use an alternative one.