Many staff in schools work with other agencies from time to time, such as health and social services. Here we outline training that is beneficial to all staff working with children in a multi-agency environment
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Wider Family Learning is a cross-cutting strategy to engage reluctant adult learners while involving them more with their children’s learning. Although one in three schools take up Wider Family Learning grants from their local authority, the level of funding available means that many more could successfully apply. Nick Holt takes you step-by-step through an application form
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This edition of Extended Schools Update looks at some of the resources available and events coming up this term to help schools promote Every Child Matters and extended services outcomes, through environmental learning initiatives and activities
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Healthy lifestyles, in particular tackling obesity, can be promoted through extended schools. Nick Holt considers some practical approaches
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Volunteering provides opportunities for the local community to engage with your school’s extended services. Here are some suggestions for activities, including awareness days, accreditation opportunities, the arts and the Olympic Games
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Most schools will probably already be offering a range of after school clubs to pupils, but it is always worth considering new ideas and looking for inspiration. Here we investigate some ideas for starting novel after school clubs
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Extended Schools Update is a new e-bulletin which hopes to provide educational professionals with some practical insights and advice to support them with emerging practice at their schools
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