Tags: Funding | School Financial Management | SEN – Special Educational Needs | SENCO
Education secretary Ruth Kelly has announced extra funding to help children struggling with basic literacy and numeracy. This will include support for individual one-to-one and small-group tuition at key stage 3.
In planning ahead, SENCOs in secondary schools should be aware that under a new dedicated schools grant, £335m will be channelled into personalising the learning process for all students in key stage 3. This could prove an important source for financing learning support and should be discussed with heads and national strategy coordinators. The funding to be in place by the 2007-08 academic year is for ‘comprehensive and intensive catch-up support in literacy and numeracy.’ In addition, schools – both primary and secondary – with the weakest levels of numeracy and literacy will share an extra £60m in the 2006 school year, and again the following year.
Ms Kelly said the government wanted to close the ‘persistent gaps in attainment between children of different ethnic groups and social classes’. Children from deprived backgrounds will receive additional support and further details will be available later in the autumn as part of the wider schools funding announcement for 2006-08.
Part of the £335m will be set aside for gifted children. This will take the form of extra support or tuition ‘in subject areas and other activities where children and young people have a particular interest or aptitude.’
This article first appeared in SENCO Update – Nov 2005
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