What makes a good assembly? Is it the right speaker, is it relevance to the students, or is it just a great story? I realise I’m biased, but giving assemblies last week to all 2200 students at Oxted School was easy, due to the amazing tale I had to tell.
A vast continent on the other side of the planet, extreme conditions, educational aims, a five day sledge pull, untrained teachers and real danger would have made me sit up and listen as well. I told the students what I was doing and asked them if they were inspired. Inspired about the Geography and Science and/or inspired to challenge themselves to do something amazing.
Which begs the question, with SEFs, AFL, NC Levels, G&T, T&L, etc, have we forgotten that possibly the best teaching tool is great stories and giving teachers time to research them and tell them well?
Click here to see my assembly presentation