The work of Ofsted comes under scrutiny from the Commons Education Select Committee
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Nick Holt looks at the future for extended services in the new education landscape
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A recent Ofsted report has highlighted the role of governors in evaluating CPD. David Gordon examines the report and other sources of information that will be valuable to governors in this task
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The long-awaited report of the Ministerial Working Group on School Governance comments on the performance of governing bodies and makes recommendations for change. David Gordon examines its findings
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A new report has found that well deployed teaching assistants help raise a school’s attainment. David Gordon looks at the details
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In an educational management world filled with assessment, the FMSiS may seem at first to be yet another drain on the school business manager’s time – but this ebulletin shows the vital supportive role it can play for all of those involved in leading the school
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As Bike to School week approaches, David Gordon looks at what governors can do to make sure their school is ‘bike friendly’
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Two recent Ofsted reports highlight the characteristics of schools that have excelled against the odds. David Gordon examines the reports and looks at what governors can do to help their schools achieve and sustain excellence
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As the government warns schools to start planning for a period of austerity, David Gordon rounds up essential information to help your school prepare for the future
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As Ofsted urges schools to make sustainability a top priority in their improvement plans, David Gordon looks at what governors can do to help their school go green
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Governors play a vital strategic role in the management of a school, so it is worth investing some time and resource in making sure that they are performing as effectively as possible
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David Gordon looks at the problem of fraudulent admissions applications and provides a set of common ruses to look out for
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School governors have been told that they can expect to be at the forefront of the government’s latest drive to improve behaviour in schools
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Modular changes to A-Levels and the introduction of diplomas are just a few changes that have come to the secondary curriculum since September 2008. David Marriott offers a related guide for governors
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Joan Sallis opposes the removal of 'untrained volunteers', such as parents and members of the community, from governing bodies - or the attempt to 'professionalise' them
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Do we really need governors? Roger Smith considers the governing role of this seemingly random assortment of stakeholders
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There is value in building a working link between school governors and school business managers says Crispin Andrews, who strongly advises bringing them into the senior leadership team
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It is important for gifted and talented (G&T) coordinators and leading teachers to garner the support of governors. G&T Update offers suggestions as to how and why governors can be an ally to those working with G&T
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How can a new team of governors work together to make sure that their efforts produce the most effective results possible? Joan Sallis believes a good team of governors needs to be managed from the start
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Joan Sallis looks back at the successes and obstacles she experienced during a year as a primary school governor, and considers the one ahead
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Does your governing body help your school remain accountable, and therefore more efficient? Stephen Adamson looks at how this should be done
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Governors have a great chance to improve pupils opportunities for taking part in physical activity, with the government's school sport strategy read more
After celebrating her 80th birthday, Joan Sallis looks back and makes a plea for stability read more
Schools and colleges that work in partnership provide a better offer to their students, make faster progress and improve their performance, says Robert Hill read more
Can individual governors really make a difference? Joan Sallis looks at how and why governors should get under the skin of their school read more
Is there a lack of leadership initiative in your governing body? David Marriott looks at the importance of leadership development for governors read more
Michele Robbins asks what issues arise most frequently in governor training sessions, and looks at how governors are responding to changes in performance management read more
Mark Blois provides an update and overview on governing body structure and the complex demands made of governors - and possible changes on the horizon read more
Recent research into the experiences of parent governor representatives (PGRs) found confusion over the role, lack of respect and communication difficulties, writes David Gordon read more
Joan Sallis gives advice for governing bodies on appointing a headteacher read more
If you thought that Circle Time was just for children, think again! Jenny Mosley explains why the Whole School Quality Circle Time Model focuses first on enhancing the mental health of the adults read more
While academies have some characteristics of maintained schools, they retain independent status in law. So which rules apply? Richard Gold clarifies read more
A raft of small changes add up to important new duties for all parties to the exclusion process. Ingrid Sutherland runs through what you need to know, in part two of this series
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Many of the difficulties faced by governing bodies stem from the unresolved tensions between three competing rationales for their work, writes Alan Dyson read more
How can governors overcome a perceived conflict between being united on the school's behalf and representing distinct interest groups?
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Joan Sallis continues her series looking at the issues that concern governors, by focusing on the use of biometric technology in schools read more
Former headteacher and current chair of governors Mike Walton argues that a closer relationship between parents and governors will benefit the whole school community read more
Mo Laycock, Headteacher, Firth Park Community Arts College describes the effective model of governance which has contributed to three Ofsted results of 'outstanding' leadership at the school read more
Joan Sallis tackles another of the issues that are important to governors read more
Liz Rowbotham looks at how extended services have worked for one community college read more
Rather than see governors as a nuisance to be endured, schools instead should be working with them as an invaluable source of help and advice, argues Colleen Arnold of the National Governors Association read more
Joan Sallis considers the relationship between the headteacher and governor, and explores mutual expectations and issues of respect read more
Professor Kay Hampton looks back on what has been achieved since the Macpherson report, and sets out the contents of a good race equality policy read more
New guidance on behaviour and discipline in schools hit the headlines during Easter 2007 – largely because of its suggestions on the importance of rewarding good behaviour as well as punishing bad read more
The National Assembly elections on May 3 2007 marked the completion of the second four-year term of devolved government in Wales. Allan Tait presents some of the key issues facing school governors in Wales read more
Joan Sallis examines some of the different issues that affect governors in primary and secondary schools read more
No organisation can operate effectively without good quality information, provided in good time. Governors need the right sort of information, provided in an accessible format, to play their full part in effective governance. Martin Pounce reports read more
In two respects the focus of education has shifted in the 2000s. read more
An independent report compiled for the government has suggested that a number of key aspects of school governance need to be reformed.
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School governors can play a crucial role in safeguarding the future leadership of schools by taking a more systematic approach to the recruitment and appointment of headteachers. read more