Following on from my previous blog, I have continued to plough my way through the Guide to the Law and to note the key statutory responsibilities of governors. I am now up to page 114, so almost half way through!! If my eyes will still focus on my computer, there’ll be more tomorrow – you lucky things!
8) Children with medical needs: There should be a policy in place to highlight how the school caters for children who are unable to attend school for medical reasons.
9) Mental Health: Governors should be aware of and promote the documents on mental health
10) Budget: The governing body has responsibility for ensuring that the delegated budget is spent on “the purposes of the school” (that is for the educational benefit of the pupils). LAs, not governors, are responsible for ensuring Best Value, but schools are required to show that they have followed Best Value principles in their annual budget plans.
11) Staffing: Governors are responsible for the number of staff (teaching and non-teaching) and whether members of staff who leave are to be replaced. Usually, this responsibility is delegated to the Headteacher. Governors must make sure that suitable funding and training are given to support NQTs through their induction period. Governors are also responsible for ensuring that CRB checks are made on all newly appointed staff members and that the school has a suitable performance management policy. Disciplinary rules and procedures should be in place.
12) Admissions: Governing bodies are responsible for the publishing of admission and appeals arrangements. These should be on the school website. Admission arrangements must include the criteria for allocating places if a school is oversubscribed. Schools must follow the Schools Admissions Appeals Code published in January 2008.