Yvonne Spencer looks at a broad scheme to improve outcomes — and explains its effect on local authorities and schools read more
Who are the parents who evade all forms of contact from schools and why do they choose to exist at the fringes of their child’s education? Jo McShane investigates read more
It can be daunting and isolating for children with few English language skills to start a new school. Education writer Dorothy Lepkowska reports on a new programme designed to help them achieve their potential read more
Ingrid Sutherland outlines controversial new guidance on the provision of sexual health services in schools read more
A study conducted by Pam Qualter and her colleagues at the University of Lancashire explores the role of emotional intelligence in supporting students as they move to secondary school read more
Seizure of personal effects can interfere with pupils’ human rights, so you need to make sure it’s done lawfully, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Heads must know, but not exceed, their powers when it comes to decisions on school dress, says Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant of the Association of School and College leaders (ASCL) read more
A new report considers why some children who did well at Key Stage 1 do not maintain the same rate of progress at Key Stage 2 read more
An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) authorises a local authority to remove a child to accommodation provided by the local authority and keep him there read more
Are child protection referrals for 16-year-olds being accepted in your local authority? Jenni Whitehead examines the increasing difficulty experienced by schools in getting social care to accept child protection referrals for the older child read more