The British Standards Institution (BSI) is working on a new standard aimed at making school trips abroad safer. read more
Judith Harwood, senior regional adviser for the primary and secondary strategy, describes what one school has been learning from its involvement in the Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS) pilot. read more
Heather Clapp, until recently a behaviour and attendance adviser in Gloucestershire, presents thoughts and reflections on one authority’s experiences of engaging with the pilot programme for Social, Emotional and Behavioural Skills (SEBS)
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Toby Wood and Nick Guest describe how they have encouraged implementation of the SEAL materials in Peterborough primary schools.
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Lisa Crosswood describes the benefits of a modular Masters degree in Education. read more
This articles discusses using the National Programme for Specialist Leaders of Behaviour and Attendance (NPSLBA) to transform behaviour and raise attendance
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The government has updated its guidance on exclusion from schools and pupil referral units. read more
The government’s campaign to persuade more schools to offer extended services continues with the publication of new guidance. read more
Why do so many people think that giftedness is a ‘seriously wrong’ idea? Dr Ruth Cigman argues that the way forward lies in ensuring that we recognise genuine giftedness.
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This term is used when a child’s ongoing behavioural difficulties appear to have their root cause in emotional or possibly social problems
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Julie Jennings considers how to build your Foundation Stage staff into an effective team. read more
Preparing students for undergraduate life can help them to make the most of university and achieve long term life goals, argues Dr Christine Fanthome
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The idea of using quantitative measures to evaluate students’ personal and social development can arouse considerable anxiety. James Park, director of Antidote, argues that there is a way. read more
Mike Walton examines the latest developments in the government’s efforts to make increased youth volunteering a reality. read more
Preparing sixth-formers for their first weeks of university life has long-term benefits. Dr Christine Fanthome describes how to make the most of independence. read more
Lucy Marcovitch shows how progression and achievement in PSHE can be recognised, demonstrated and celebrated at all key stages
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Karen Garvin of ActionAid explains how the My Friend Needs A Teacher initiative helps students learn that they have the power to make the world a better place. read more
In his regular column, Dr Graham Haydon suggests that reflecting on your own school can be a good way into raising wider questions about communities and the values they share.
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David Cattell explores the comparative strengths of vertical and horizontal systems of pastoral care. read more
Dr Christine Fanthome argues that good planning is essential if students are to maximise the benefits of workplace learning. read more
Robin Richardson writes in a personal capacity about DfES advice on countering racist bullying for which he acted as external consultant.
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Rivington and Blackrod High School has developed various ways to engage and respond to student voice — not least of which involves students giving staff feedback on teaching processes. The school is also involved in an LEA-wide initiative to promote collaborative leadership at a student level
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Student voice can be a powerful tool in encouraging higher levels of engagement in learning leading to raised achievement. But many schools still have a lot to learn about making effective use of this tool in practice to bring about whole-school improvement. We uncover some of the lessons learned so far
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Distributed leadership has the potential to transform schools, raising achievement and inspiring more effective practice from staff. Trevor Arrowsmith shows how
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In his regular column, Dr Graham Haydon argues that the decision to smoke is not just a matter of individual choice. read more
Headteacher David Dixon looks at the problems various forms of transition can pose for some children and suggests ways to help smooth those troubled paths
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This system introduced a rota of Year 8 pupils as ‘Duty Prefects’, which raised participation and addressed elements of the Citizenship curriculum. read more
Headteacher Mark Barnett remembers the trials and triumphs of transitions during his own youth and argues for a radical rethink on managing the process. read more
Most LEAs ask schools to fill in some type of referral form. This prompt sheet will help you bring together all necessary information before picking up the phone. read more
A new survey draws attention to the lack of preparedness for dealing with epilepsy in schools. The survey was presented as part of National Epilepsy Week’s theme of ‘Educational challenges for children and younger people’. Epilepsy Action has also produced information and resources which SENCOs will find useful in advising colleagues. read more
An education social worker from the north of England reveals how she alerted authorities to the possible forced marriage of a 16-year-old girl. read more
Raising awareness and dismissing myths is critical in establishing self-harm support groups says Steve Matthews of the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation. read more
Whether you are taking children off premises to visit the local museum or taking young people away for a full five days, you need to ensure that every aspect of your planning incorporates safety and protection planning
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A new campaign calls on the government to launch an enquiry into the impact of parental alcohol misuse and develop new services for parents and children read more
A recent survey by the Drinkaware Trust draws attention to the lack of information that 11-16 receive on the dangers of drinking. read more
In addition to its specific recommendations concerning SENCOs, the Education Select Committee has outlined a future strategy on special educational needs. The government’s response will have many implications for the work of SENCOs read more
UNICEF UK’s whole school change initiative the ‘Rights Respecting School Award’, has been informed by the Developing Citizenship project, as Heather Jarvis from UNICEF UK explains
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The Kwathu Project is building international links to teach students in both the UK and Malawi about the true meaning of home – at a local, national and global level.
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Citizenship education is being integrated into curriculum planning across the UK. The following ‘steps to success’ come from Norfolk LEA, which worked with Norfolk and Suffolk schools on the Developing Citizenship project. read more
When taking part in the Developing Citizenship project,everyone from the youngest Year 7 student to the most experienced members of staff at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls was involved in different global focus activities, ranging from Human Rights Week to an Earth Summit
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Top tips for surviving your first year at a new school, from teacher Ben Vessey read more
How can we re-ignite the flames of inspiration in our teams and ourselves, and, while we achieve great things, get the chance to live a little too? Lynne Copp looks at the challenge
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Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a reputation for organising and running meetings that were engaging, fun, productive, and used the talents of the people in your team? Maybe you do already…
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Three out of five secondary pupils say that they have experienced bullying, despite the efforts that schools have made to get on top of the problem. Former headteacher Roger Smith looks at ways of dealing with the instigators
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The DfES is to trial parent support advisers in 600 primary and secondary schools from September. read more
What duty of care does a school educational psychologist owe a pupil and, if the psychologist is negligent, what damages will the LEA be liable for? read more
When dealing with pupils with challenging behaviour and emotional difficulties, risk assessment is vital says Amelia Wallington
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Does the law help or hinder those charged with protecting such pupils?
Ingrid Sutherland cuts a path through existing, new and ‘improved’ guidance. read more
If schools are to help tackle self-harming behaviours, says the final Report of the National Inquiry into Self-Harm among Young People, they need to ensure that young people have opportunities to talk about their fears and anxieties. read more
Michael Segal looks at the complicated issue of a parents right to insist on corporal punishment for their children, in line with religous freedom
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