In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider recent news stories about anti-social behaviour and the consequences
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Encourage your students to make somebody smile today with this secondary SEAL assembly
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This secondary assembly looks at advertising and the powers it has over the public, particulary in terms of alcoholic drinks advertised through sports branding
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In this assembly, Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider why some people who believe they have a a cause to promote are tempted into terrorist activity
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This assembly explores our views about the relationship, or possible conflicts between, justice and compassion. It responds to the issues raised by the release of the Lockerbie bomber by the Scottish Government
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Why does truancy remain a problem for some schools, and how far can hi-tech solutions help? Special Children looks at how e-registration might help
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Following the death of Michael Jackson, this secondary assembly considers his life and focuses on his song Man In The Mirror. It asks how we can ’make a change’ from selfishness to loving concern
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Roger Smith considers the important role that parents play in supporting their children and asks what more schools can do to support them
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This secondary assembly considers peer pressure and designer clothing
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Where do schools stand legally on teachers airing their political views in the classroom? Michael Segal explores this sensitive issue
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Leadership and leadership skills — this secondary assembly looks at what qualities are important in a leader
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This secondary SEAL assembly explores the concepts of bravery and courage
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Taking issues with pupils personally can lead to difficulties. This e-bulletin looks at how you can become more proactive and stand back to see the full picture
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What five things should you never say in a school setting? Former headteacher Jane Golightly discusses five comments that she advises senior leadership to steer clear of in order to maintain positive school leadership
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National identity and personal identity are the themes of this secondary assembly, using the 2009 European elections as loose theme
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This secondary assembly encourages students to consider the benefits of slowing down, in terms of greater enjoyment and health, referencing the principles behind the Slow Down London festival.
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This assembly discusses the current outbreak of swine flu and examines our emotional and social reactions to it. It seeks to discuss the unspoken fears that concern young people. It does not offer detailed health education on the subject
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Arguments with pupils can escalate quickly, so Dave Stott gives tips on how to defuse or control arguments with students, before they become out of control and cause permanent behaviour problems
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Cases of student emotional abuse can all too frequently go unnoticed believes Jenni Whitehead. Here she suggests an exercise for staff-room discussion
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As a child and family support worker at Kingfisher Primary School in Smiths Wood, Solihull, Debbie Todd explains what her role involves
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Teachers should not face prosecution for sexual relations with pupils above the age of 16 (the age of consent) − this is what Chris Whitehead, the general secretary of the NASUWT said in October 2008. Jenni Whitehead discusses
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A holistic approach to supporting young people’s health is led by the school-based health adviser at Newall Green School, Manchester, who embraces the whole child and the family. Neil Wilson, headteacher, discusses
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How can participating in collaborative professional enquiry foster pupil learning and professional learning in teachers? Alison Fox from the University of Stirling and chartered teacher Jan Brophy describe how
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The development of a youth café led by young people from Springfield School in Drayton, Portsmouth is outlined here by Jo Derham, manager of the North East Community Improvement Partnership in Portsmouth
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Sir John Lawes School in Harpenden, Hertfordshire shares how it has taken an all-encompassing approach to incorporating the global dimension both within and beyond the whole-school curriculum
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This secondary SEAL assembly discusses patriotism and personal identity
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It is essential that schools help equip young people to live and work in the 21st century. Increase your understanding of when and where global learning can be included in your curriculum and how to deliver it to achieve maximum benefit, with in-depth advice from Douglas Bourn
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Mark Blois explores plans for a new code of conduct for the General Teaching Council for England GTCE
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Work placements are a key learning activity for young people, however it is obviously important to ensure that your pupils are safe. Dai Durbridge discusses how, and whose responsibility it is
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This secondary SEAL assembly asks pupils to consider their moral actions
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A youth intervention officer, Bruce Newman, discusses his work with Schools Multi Agency Resource Team (SMART) and the approaches he uses to work with young people, including restorative justice
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In this SEAL assembly for secondary students, Brian Radcliffe encourages students to consider the latest techniques used for painting the Forth Bridge, taking from it advice about ways to tackle recurring problems
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This secondary assembly looks at the concept of fair trade, with reference to the recent ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ which took place from 22nd February to 7th March.
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What does it take to become an effective assistant headteacher? Dr Ray Chatwin looks at how to manage the teacher transition from middle leader to assistant headteacher
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This secondary assembly offers the author’s view of the miners’ strike of 1984-5, drawing similarities with the current recession crisis and highlighting the benefits of community life
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Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is a major school rebuilding programme. It is the biggest single government investment in improving school buildings in the last 50 years and its aim is to rebuild or remodel every secondary school across the UK, totalling 3,500 schools
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Michael Segal discusses a case where religious dress was thought to interfere with teaching, clarifying a school’s legal position in this situation somewhat
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Upholding a school’s uniform policy can be difficult legally, in terms of religion and race discrimination of pupils. Richard Gold looks at some example cases, in order to explain the relevant legislation
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This secondary assembly takes a SEAL perspective and concentrates on forgiveness, using the life and career of Abraham Lincoln as an example of someone who was prepared to restore broken relationships. It encourages students to reflect on how they could restore such relationships themselves
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the health of their hearts, focussing on the British Heart Foundation’s Go Red for Heart campaign
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This assembly examines our concept of the ‘hero’ and considers the extent to which Charles Darwin was heroic in his proposal of the theory of evolution by natural selection
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A variety of enrichment methods used to inspire gifted and talented children are given the term ‘extension’, which is the subject of this at-a-glance reference for gifted and talented associated education vocabulary
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This secondary assembly looks at the negative effects of hatred with reference to the Holocaust Memorial Day, Tuesday 27th January, the theme of which was, “Stand up to hatred!”
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Building links between a child’s school and home is an excellent way to approach their behaviour and emotional literacy, says Virginia Robinson
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The needs of families that move can be overlooked. Philip Jones examines the importance of a thorough background investigation on mobile families, in order to effectively support the children involved
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When a teacher finds it necessary to use force with a pupil it is essential that they are clear on how to use that force — and how much to use — as well as how to deal with the recording and reporting of the incident afterwards
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This SEAL assembly encourages secondary students to consider how words can be the cause of pain and suffering
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Should people sentenced to community service punishment be required to wear uniforms? Or is that “stigmatising”? This PSHE secondary assembly explains the origin of the word “stigma”, and discusses the right and wrong ways to judge other people
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Wearing religious symbols in school has become a sensitive and increasingly public issue, in relation to correct school uniform. Mark Blois looks at a recent case and explains the legal position and the implications for schools
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