Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at the wisdom of using the power to search in schools and concludes that there are often better options read more
The genuine occupational requirement defence to a discrimination claim allows schools to set conditions on whom they employ, and can rely on genuine occupational requirments (GOR) as a defence. Tamara Ludlow explains
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Yvonne Spencer looks at a broad scheme to improve outcomes — and explains its effect on local authorities and schools read more
Fighting this new form of bullying isn’t just a technical problem, says Dr Denise Carter. We need to educate children to anticipate risks and become emotionally resilient
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We tend to take questioning skills for granted; they certainly seem to develop quite readily in young children. Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, explores the reasons why we might choose to guide our children towards higher-level questioning skills read more
Former headteacher Bob Jelley remembers a time when ‘school trips’ were a lot more straightforward read more
Having found himself in a governors’ free-for-all on the subject of homework, Roger Smith describes that experience and shares his own thoughts and that of researchers on the subject read more
How can a school best strike a balance between its uniform policy and its pupils’ right to manifest their religion or belief?
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Michael Fielding, professor at London’s Institute of Education, argues that we need to think a lot harder about what we mean by personalised learning if current developments are to engage people actively in their learning
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Providing an extended schools service with a community learning centre brought about unexpected synergies for Mitchell High School. Shaun Morgan describes the changes read more
Principal Ian Johnson describes how an extended school day and a high level of community involvement are central to the strategy for raising achievement at The Marlowe Academy in Ramsgate read more
Paul Howells considers the changing nature of recruitment in our schools, and encourages you to consider how you can best save time while also getting best value read more
As part of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) initiative initiative it is recommended that schools work with a managed service provider to procure, manage, maintain and refresh their ICT infrastructure and equipment. Steve Smith explores ICT outsourcing and highlights the potential cost savings
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Headteacher Neil Berry describes his experiences of being on both sides of the SIP process and concludes that the New Relationship has improved LA and school accountability read more
Creating and delivering productive links between business and the school curriculum can benefit everyone’s future, argues headteacher Martin Ainsworth
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It can be daunting and isolating for children with few English language skills to start a new school. Education writer Dorothy Lepkowska reports on a new programme designed to help them achieve their potential
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Kim Sparling, headteacher of Oldfield School in Bath, explores the concept of ‘value for money’ in a secondary school context and outlines some suggestions on ways to achieve it
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The importance of producing accurate and attractive promotional material about your school or setting read more
Anne Clarke, principal of Benton Park Technology College, shares her thoughts on the problems of engaging parents in secondary schools
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Jack Welch became one of the best-known business leaders in the world when, in the 20 years between 1981 and 2001 he turned round the fortunes of General Electric in America, adding four hundred billion dollars to its share value. Here former head Gerald Haigh looks at how his principles can be applied to leadership in schools read more
Headteacher Neil Berry explains how Brampton Manor in East London – described by Ofsted in December 1999 as having ‘serious weaknesses’ – was turned into the fully inclusive, successful school it is today
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Dough balls and garlic bread…why does an assistant head find herself negotiating event sponsorship on a Saturday and why are schools having to attract sponsorship to gain specialist status in the first place? read more
Legal Surgery answers a question about exclusion of a violent pupil who has SEN read more
Patrick Ferguson, headteacher of De la Salle Humanities College, Liverpool, looks at the important role effective security plays in school improvement read more
Michael Segal reports a case of local authority proceedings to obtain care orders for three young siblings read more
Data protection law sets firm boundaries around what information you can collect. Educators retain excessive data at their peril, writes Simon White
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The updated exclusions guidance has taken effect, amid a deluge of new discipline and behaviour provision. Ingrid Sutherland outlines the changes in exclusions law
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Chris Comber from Leicester University offers curriculum managers exclusive insights into the findings, outlining key factors to integrate ICT throughout teaching and learning read more
In 2003, Le Rocquier school had no ICT strategy, no ICT replacement programme, no staff ICT training programme… but by 2007 that had all changed, and ICT is now integral to teaching and learning throughout the school, writes John McGuinness
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In this third article on marketing and promotion, Early Years Update looks at creating a range of promotional material to make potential customers aware of the services you provide read more
Early Years Update looks at the importance of environmental wellbeing in supporting the five outcomes of Every Child Matters read more
Some people think that children under five are too young to express opinions, but Sara Bryson and her colleagues found ways of ensuring that babies and children were at the heart of the decision-making process read more
Alison Kitson, programme leader in CPD at the TDA, discusses the kinds of questions that you might wish to ask if you were beginning to draw up a role specification for a leader or director of professional learning
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Jenni Whitehead examines the new procedures for allegations against staff, which have been in force since January 2007 read more
Reading should be a primary school’s biggest priority, says Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship
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We live in a data-rich age where almost every aspect of childhood is quantified! School improvement partner, Dave Weston, helps you see the wood from the trees
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Climate change is in the headlines every day. What are schools doing about this issue? Angela Youngman looks at the Eco-Schools programme
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In his final piece on living with the 21st century’s number one killer, Steve Mynard, editor of Primary Headship, considers the cognitive dimension – the way we perceive and relate to stressful situations read more
Safeguarding Children in Education and Safer Recruitment in Education came into force in January 2007. Jenni Whitehead looks at some of the most common confusions expressed by readers in the year since its publication read more
Roger Smith considers tried and tested ways of improving teaching and learning and a few new ones
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Former headteacher and current chair of governors Mike Walton argues that a closer relationship between parents and governors will benefit the whole school community read more
In this second article on marketing and promotion, Early Years Update, looks at how to use market research to find out more about the customers who use your services read more
The option to collaborate with outside partners is under-used — but it offers benefits that educators would be wise to take note of, as Richard Gold explains
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Wireless technology is useful, but raises health concerns. Vicky Lapins looks at schools’ obligations for safer use read more
Seizure of personal effects can interfere with pupils’ human rights, so you need to make sure it’s done lawfully, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Which is more important — a pupil’s right to privacy, or the public interest in education? Michael Segal examines a case where a city council sought an injunction against a television documentary in which its pupils were badly portrayed
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Headteacher Anne Clark looks at why it is so important for schools to establish effective links with outside agencies
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Heads must know, but not exceed, their powers when it comes to decisions on school dress, says Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant of the Association of School and College leaders (ASCL)
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Primary headteacher David Dixon applauds many of the changes that the Key Stage 3 review heralds, arguing that many of them will bring about practices already embedded in the best primary schools
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Education writer and former head Gerald Haigh talks to Dr Keith Bothamley, deputy head (curriculum) at Horsforth School, and Richard Brown, principal of Minsthorpe Community College in Wakefield, about the new KS3 curriculum
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