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A Social Communications PackageThis hugely popular photocopiable manual provides professionals with a framework for the development of social skills. Initially piloted with adolescents with mild learning difficulties, it can be used with a variety of client groups, both children and adults.
Developing Social Communication SkillsContaining 225 group activities, this excellent resource is aimed primarily at people familiar with Talkabout, although it can be used by anyone running social skills groups and will complement other social skills training programmes.
Building Self-esteem & Relationship SkillsThe third title in the successful Talkabout series, Talkabout Relationships reflects current literature and research on developing relationships for people with learning disabilities. It aims, through groupwork, to improve self-esteem and relationship skills in people who are having difficulties in making or maintaining friends.
Social Communication SkillsA valuable resource for anyone using the Talkabout series, this DVD brings social skills to life! It contains acted scenarios for each skill being taught, modelling both poor and good behaviour.The DVD uses a number of settings and different ages, and includes an instruction booklet on how to use the DVD in conjunction with Talkabout.
Purchase all four at a saving!
You can purchase all four of the Talkabout resources at a saving, which will provide you with the complete package for assessing and teaching social skills.
Developing Social Communication Skills
Coming in November 2009 – Available for pre-ordering now!
A complete groupwork resource offering a hierarchical approach for teaching social and relationship skills to teenagers. Designed specifically for teenagers, this practical workbook provides ready-made material for running social and relationship skills groups with older children and young adults.