Inclusion in the Primary Classroom, suitable for children aged 5-11, is a practical resource to help promote inclusion and disability awareness
***In Autumn 2008, Inclusion in the Primary Classroom was awarded the nasen Celebrating Inclusive Practice Award, "Book that supports SEN and Disability Issues". Read more about the award, as well as comments from the judges on their decision, below.***
For teachers working to raise awareness in the area of diversity and inclusion.
Both disabled and non-disabled children need help in recognising and understanding aspects of disability and inclusion. Bestselling author Margaret Collins provides a resource for the busy classroom teacher to engage all children in inclusive education. The book will create positive attitudes and will challenge and help change the children's perceived negative feelings. It demonstrates:
- that there are different kinds of disabilities
- what they can do to help
- how to show empathy
- how to interact.
The first section focuses on making sure all disabled pupils are given a voice. The second section provides eight units of work that examine areas such as:
- race
- speech and language
- stereotypes
- special educational needs.
The author follows her usual pattern of providing facing pages with differentiated activities for younger and older pupils. This allows a pick and mix approach. The book includes teacher notes, Circle Time and extension activities, and photocopiable resources (also on CD Rom).
nasen's Celebrating Inclusive Practice Award Award: "Book that supports SEN and Disability Issues"
In order to win this award, entries are required to display that they highlight special needs and disability issues and give the reader a deeper insight into the needs of those individuals who have a special need or disability. The book, for children or adults, should be age appropriate for its target audience. It will deal with the subject matter in a sensitive way and may include information on identification, strategies for teaching, resources for supporting access to education and supporting and working with parents.
On awarding Inclusion in the Primary Classroom with the title, the judges made the following comment:
This practical and informative book covers a topical subject in an innovative way in providing easy to use resources in a very sensitive manner to both teachers and TA’s. Well organised chapters that develop into progression for teaching. Home extensions activities supporting positive intervention enabling families to be involved in their child’s learning. The excellent photocopiable and downloadable materials from both book and CD offer differentiation amongst age groups with original and innovative ideas. This engaging book supports children to understand and empathise with others through role play and discussion offering helpful hints. Although aimed at primary school this book could target a wider audience, such as older children with learning difficulties.
Here is a photograph of the author, Margaret Collins, holding the award (seated second from right), along with other winners of nasen Awards 2008:
About the author
Margaret Collins is Senior Visiting Fellow in the School of Education, University of Southampton. Author of 24 publications, she writes teaching material for children and articles for early years journals, and researches children's perceptions of health education topics.
ISBN: 978-1-906517-06-9
Details: A4, photocopiable, includes CD-Rom