We are interviewing for a new Head of Design and Technology. As I line-manage this department I shall be involved in the interviews. Usually I really enjoy interview days because they’re so full of expectation and promise and at the end there’s a new member of staff to be inducted into the fold. However we have one internal candidate, which makes it a completely different experience.
I know from my own experience that schools aim to interview fairly and don’t take your work in the school into consideration. In this and my previous position I ‘beat’ internal candidates to the post. At the time it felt like a bittersweet victory and in one case working with the person on a day to day basis was quite difficult.
I’m also applying for jobs and hopefully will have some interviews of my own after Easter. Anyway, all this has got me thinking about interviews.
I know Chadders is talking about his experience of primary Deputy Head interviews and is asking for examples of interview questions. I’ve listed some sites that give you ideas about the types of questions that you may be asked at various levels of primary or secondary interview:
Primary questions from my PGCE alma mater St. Martin’s, Lancaster
Interview hints and tips from the TDA
Teachernet preparation for interviews
But what about the other stuff you get asked to do?
I’ve introduced student governors to interview and observe candidates. I’ve been at interviews where we’ve had group discussions – all the candidates in a circle and the interview panel with their clipboards around the outside.
What have you been asked to do? And, more importantly, did you get the job?