Steve Mynard considers the educational tradition of the six week summer holiday, and asks if it is, and whether it should be, under threat
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John Viner reflects on his headship tenure at Draper Mills Primary, in his final article about turning the troubled school around. Here he highlights the importance of the way to deal with people as a way to affect change
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The needs of families that move can be overlooked. Philip Jones examines the importance of a thorough background investigation on mobile families, in order to effectively support the children involved
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The new National Professional Qualification for Headship pilot is underway. Crispin Andrews talks to one of the first participants
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What is a school's legal position when it comes to the education of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children, and how do teachers protect their education? Michael Segal discusses
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The knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) at Bedlington Community High School aims to improve learning for staff and students at Key Stage 3. Anna Reid describes the two-year project and how it aims to develop an assessment framework for enquiry using ICT
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In cases of sexual offence, it is often a school's duty to educate the perpetrator as well as protect the victim. Yvonne Spencer provides advice on how to balance these competing needs
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This primary PSHEE assembly focuses around the 'credit crunch', understanding that, although young children may not understand what it is, they may well have picked up on the negative connotations surrounding it. It therefore attempts to give them advice on how to help at home
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Schools are increasingly turning to Public Finance Initiatives to finance large building projects. Mark Blois looks at how it works
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When a teacher finds it necessary to use force with a pupil it is essential that they are clear on how to use that force — and how much to use — as well as how to deal with the recording and reporting of the incident afterwards
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This SEAL assembly encourages secondary students to consider how words can be the cause of pain and suffering
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This range of tools aims to help senior leadership teams begin powerful learning conversations between parents, students and school, to get parents to think about at-home involvement
How can the process for meeting the government's Financial Management Standard be made more manageable for school governors? Lindsey Wharmby offers some tips
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Teachers may question the purposes and techniques of assessment at EYFS. Jan Dubiel, Programme Leader for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile at the National Assessment Agency, discusses the practical reality of assessment at this level
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Effective school staff recruitment is an imperative part of school management. Ruth Bradbury provides advice to ensure the effective operation of your school's recruitment practices
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Jane Golightly discusses the issues school senior leadership teams might want to consider as they begin the new calendar year, to prepare for the future and ensure a successful 2009
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There can be inherent funding challenges involved with gaining specialist status for your school. Crispin Andrews explains how the expanded community role of specialist schools has important financial implications
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What are the implications of recent changes to Ofsted inspections of early years education? Early Years Update explains
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Many schools have rethought their exclusion policies since the sixth day exclusion law was introduced in September 2007. Eileen Field explains the options now surrounding school exclusion
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The government has made £327m funding available for investment into schools to increase choice and diversity of provision. Deputy headteacher Paul Ainsworth studies the guidance and summarises the key opportunities for school leadership teams
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This case study describes the journey of an all-girls school that piloted the first engineering diploma, hoping to encourage creativity, thinking skills and teamwork. Liz Allen, Head of Newstead Wood School for Girls in Bromley, describes their aims and experience
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Joan Sallis looks back at the successes and obstacles she experienced during a year as a primary school governor, and considers the one ahead
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Are you fully up-to-date with the latest guidance on preventing arson in your school? Gill O'Donnell provides a comprehensive briefing to make sure that you are
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An effective induction process is an integral part of welcoming new members of staff to your school. This article discusses things to remember during your school staff induction
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Diplomas can provide your students with a teaching and learning programme that helps to equip them with vocational skills - but only if curriculum managers know how to deliver this new qualification. Glynis Frater guides you through
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This PSHE assembly discusses pupils’ admiration of their personal heroes, and looks at the emotion of envy – urging them to distinguish between wanting to be someone else and wanting to be like someone else
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Should people sentenced to community service punishment be required to wear uniforms? Or is that “stigmatising”? This PSHE secondary assembly explains the origin of the word “stigma”, and discusses the right and wrong ways to judge other people
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Wearing religious symbols in school has become a sensitive and increasingly public issue, in relation to correct school uniform. Mark Blois looks at a recent case and explains the legal position and the implications for schools
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The Holocaust of the Second World War is the subject of this assembly for primary schools. Gerald Haigh tells the story of the Holocaust in order to give an overview of how the murder of so many innocent people occured, offering a message about the potential consequences of racism and oppression of minorities
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This secondary assembly looks at the inauguration of President Barack Obama. It asks students to think about the importance of planning new beginnings and endeavours well in order to make sure that are a success
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This is the second of two articles looking at academies, focusing on some of the interesting and developing legal issues relating to the academies programme, including overriding statutory legislation, obligations under the funding agreement, academies’ duty of care, and issues of health and safety and negligence
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This assembly covers part of the primary PSHE curriculum, teaching children about the difference between the common cold and the flu, and how to avoid catching germs
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Human rights is the focus of this assembly, as Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the 60th birthday of the launch of the UNUDHR, discussing its relevance today and why it is important for young people to be aware of it
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Forest Schools aim to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences. Angela Youngman investigates the outdoor learning initiative, which originates from Scandinavia
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With an increase in software and handheld learning in modern-day education, Tim Roots, director of IT vision, explains why headteachers should have a sound understanding of asset management
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When he took over a failing Manchester primary, Chris Fenton planned to develop the good practice he found in the Foundation Stage and spread it throughout the rest of the school
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Michael Segal gives guidance on what to consider when wording a pupil exclusion decision letter
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Secondary schools have been warned to prepare for the introduction of new display energy certificates this autumn. If action is not taken now it could prove expensive, says education writer Angela Youngman
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What can be done to bring enthusiasm into the teaching and learning of science? Gill O'Donnell describes the role school bursars can play using external funding
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Local authorities owe a certain standard of care to children within their area. This case explores the legal implications and consequences of that responsibility, if it is believed to not have been upheld
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All schools should be working on an international dimension by 2012, and working towards the DCSF International School Award. Fiona Taylor discusses the merits of the Teachers' International Professional Development programme
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Senior leaders can work to support the delivery of coursework and controlled assessments in order to help raise attainment. Deputy heads Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith look into how
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Jill Cameron gives a comprehensive briefing on the highs and lows of the Building Schools for the Future initiative from her personal experience with the programme
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The underperformance of, and lack of opportunity for, children in care is a cause for concern in our schools. 'Care Matters', is a government package of measures designed to redress the balance, as Suzanne O'Connell explains
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This primary assembly looks at the history of the BBC’s ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ award, and questions what it means to be shortlisted as well as to win the award
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Parents have a duty to know the whereabouts of their child for the first five days of exclusion, and schools and LAs should provide suitable full-time education from the sixth school day of exclusion, states statutory guidance
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A reflective early years learning environment is not only conducive to achievement, but it is also required by the EYPS and the EYFS. Cathy Williamson describes how a pre-school aimed to create one as part of a school action research project
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The Investors in People Standard had a major impact on Alison Shakespeare's school's CPD, helping them to embed a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation. Read why she thinks it's such a good idea for school improvement
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A private finance initiative (PFI) project can transform a school. Headteacher Brian Rossiter describes the final stages of his school's project, the initial aim of which was to turn his school into an educational establishment for the future
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