Birchensale Middle School’s Family Learning programme targets the parents of low-ability children, offering them the chance to improve key skills and participate more fully in their children’s learning. Carrie Saint Freedman visited the school to find out more
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Many staff in schools work with other agencies from time to time, such as health and social services. Here we outline training that is beneficial to all staff working with children in a multi-agency environment
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This assembly follows the inspiring story of Wanda Summers − her recovery from a serious accident, and her determination to complete an ultra-marathon across the Gobi desert
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In this assembly, Brian Radcliffe invites students, in light of the Government’s proposed spending cuts, to consider the way they prioritise their time, money and energy
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This assembly begins by considering the numerous apologies which have been made in connection with the football World Cup. It goes on to discuss the difference between a qualified apology and a true expression of regret
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On 11 June this year, the hills around Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales saw the thirtieth Man versus Horse Marathon. The assembly tells the story of the race, and along the way reflects on the long story of the close relationship between humans and horses
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This week’s assembly considers the extent to which we might expect too much of people and reminds us that we’re only human. It challenges listeners to show a little more compassion in their lives
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In this assembly, children will learn about why supporters are important for encouraging sportsmen and women and for sporting events as a whole
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This week’s assembly challenges listeners not to lose sight of the important issues, even when only certain ones seem to be in the public eye
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This assembly discusses being scared when students are lost, and offers advice as to what they should do when they are
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Every year schools recruit new members of staff, from headteachers, to teachers, to classroom assistants and administrative staff. It is vital that a robust procedure is followed for all interviews to ensure that the successful candidate is a suitable person to work with children and young people
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This assembly, coinciding with the start of the World Cup in South Africa, looks back to the sport of chariot racing in ancient Rome. It asks questions about the pros and cons of professional sport – then as now
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A-Z of school life examines maintaining the momentum, sorting out the important from the not important, making the most of opportunities, people and questions, questions, Jane Golightly has written extensively on school improvement and has more than 30 years experience in primary educationuestions
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A recent Ofsted report has highlighted the role of governors in evaluating CPD. David Gordon examines the report and other sources of information that will be valuable to governors in this task
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This primary assembly looks at personal injury and disappointment, and how to make the most of a bad situation
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There are currently two live consultations that will impact upon your safeguarding duties, the most important of which is the long-awaited sector-specific guidance for the Vetting and Barring Scheme. Dai Durbridge explains how they will affect your safeguarding responsibilities in the new academic year
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The way in which a school is organised (horizontal or vertical? House system? Form tutors or personal tutors?) has a huge impact on the culture and ethos of the school, but what will work best in each situation and why? Below we consider the changes made at Federation of West Sleekburn Middle School and Bedlingtonshire Community High School
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This week’s assembly challenges listeners to remember those who are left behind in one way or another, and asks listeners to question the extent to which they are inclusive in their thoughts and actions
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Perhaps more than any other inspection judgement, ‘The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures’ has caused anxiety amongst schools. Here are some suggestions for how you might prepare.
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In this assembly, children will learn about Doug Gregory – the 87 year old RAF pilot who is still flying and performing stunts. Children will be invited to confront stereotypes about older people
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This week, the A-Z of school life continues to examine some of the vital parts of your role as school leader, including inclusion and knowing your school
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The new Equality Act will remove the exemption for schools which previously meant that they did not have to provide auxiliary aids and services to students with a disability. Rebecca Taylor-Onion looks at the impact of the new disability duty in relation to auxiliary aids and services on schools
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In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the balance of rivalry and unity that is exemplified by the World Cup
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This assembly looks at the history of the Queen’s Speech and what her latest speech will mean for the UK
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It’s vital that school business managers avoid inadvertently leaving gaps between the school’s budget and its development plan. This ebulletin flags up ways to avoid these gaps and keep your budget in line with the school’s development needs
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This assembly uses the theme of puns and similar wordplay. It looks at many definitions of the word pun, such as in the form of a corny joke and a way to highlight tragedy, and also explores the idea of the visual pun (the ‘rebus’) with reference to the prisoner Thomas Abel’s carving in the Tower of London
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The long-awaited report of the Ministerial Working Group on School Governance comments on the performance of governing bodies and makes recommendations for change. David Gordon examines its findings
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As we await the framework for ICT assessment and qualifications, and therefore clarification about whether ICT will be more fully integrated, or have greater stand-alone status as a subject, we consider how to assess the current role of ICT in your curriculum
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How do you cope when your secondary school is placed in special measures by Ofsted?
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One of the commonest things Ofsted inspectors recommend schools do to improve is ‘use assessment and student-progress data to inform curriculum and lesson planning’. This ebulletin offers a pragmatic approach, enabling both formative and summative functions to be well served
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Jane Golightly continues to offer suggestions about areas in which you could initiate school improvement in your school
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This assembly looks at the importance of technology and wonders where science will take us in the next few decades
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Record keeping is an essential part of a school’s role in child protection; it is vital that it is done accurately and managed carefully and securely
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This edition of Extended Schools Update looks at some of the resources available and events coming up this term to help schools promote Every Child Matters and extended services outcomes, through environmental learning initiatives and activities
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The internet is a vital learning resource, but its use comes with a number of legal risks. Following the Byron Review in 2008, the delivery of e-safety in schools has come under greater scrutiny. Rebecca Taylor-Onion looks at schools’ legal duties to ensure the online safety of their pupils and how they can manage the risks effectively
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This week’s assembly challenges listeners to imagine a world where we’re all in the same ’team’, and reflect upon how their own actions might start to bring this dream about
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As recent political events have shown, sometimes you’re in a position where whatever you choose to do is going to upset someone. This assembly keeps away from the political issue, but presents the dilemma in familiar terms
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A new report has found that well deployed teaching assistants help raise a school’s attainment. David Gordon looks at the details
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In an educational management world filled with assessment, the FMSiS may seem at first to be yet another drain on the school business manager’s time – but this ebulletin shows the vital supportive role it can play for all of those involved in leading the school
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The context and potential significance of Assessing Pupil Progress are much wider than the introduction of procedures for standardisation and accountability. Below are some ideas for how you could maximise the impact of introducing APP to your school
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You never know when disclosure might happen, or to whom. Suzanne O'Connell provides practical guidance to share with all staff and volunteers
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Healthy lifestyles, in particular tackling obesity, can be promoted through extended schools. Nick Holt considers some practical approaches
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Outstanding e-safety provision requires clear leadership vision and whole-school involvement. David Gordon looks at new recommendations from Ofsted
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the addictive effects of video games and suggests some relational strategies to address them
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The DCSF have articulated a view that every school should have a student council. Here we discuss whether this is a good idea and whether it actually supports the drive to involve students in meaningful activity?
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This assembly reflects on spring and memories, using a poem written by A. E. Housman
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This assembly considers the significance of the letter X, which voters use to mark their ballot papers in the general election. Thinking about the many meanings of X can help us to understand ourselves and others
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This second A-Z e-bulletin continues to provide some food for thought about your management role
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The assembly helps children to understand that fairness is an intrinsic quality of all sport – that cheating damages the sport as well as taking away from the achievements of the cheat
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New guidance requires schools and local authorities to work more closely together to promote the achievement of looked after children. Hayley Roberts and Sara Erwin-Jones examine the implications for schools
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